On-Demand Course: Ward R. Malisch Concrete Construction Symposium (Part 1)

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The contents of this course include five recorded presentations from the ACI 2017 Fall Convention:

• After Two Hundred Years of Estimating Evaporation, It Is Still a Mystery by Kenneth C. Hover, Cornell University

• The Evolution of Vapor Retarder Placement Below Concrete Slabs-on-Ground by Peter A. Craig, Concrete Constructive

• Should You Reject the Load of Concrete after 90 Minutes? By Colin L. Lobo, National Ready Mixed Concrete Association

• Large-Scale Testing of Cold Curing Water by Ronald L. Kozikowski, North S. Tarr Concrete Consulting

• Self-Consolidating and Hydration Stabilizer Concrete Revolutionizes NYC with Modern Concrete Technology by William J. Lyons, The Euclid Chemical Company

INSTRUCTIONS: Study the materials included in this module. Then, complete and pass the corresponding 10-question quiz with a score of 80% or higher to receive a certificate for 0.15 CEU (equivalent to 1.5 PDH). This online course is not approved for credit with the Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB).

Continuing Education Credit: 0.15 CEU (1.5 PDH)

Approved by AIA and ICC

Access Period: 30 days


This course brings together important and influential information with respect to concrete construction in honoring Ward R. Malisch, Honorary Member of ACI. This course details common construction activities including: estimating effects of humidity, temperature, and wind on curing slabs using the Menzel/NRMCA Nomograph approach; learning methods to accept concrete delivery times of 90 minutes or more in certain applications; understanding the best location of vapor retarders below slabs-on-ground to minimize moisture penetration; effect of placing water that is 20°F colder than concrete curing water on freshly placed slabs-on-ground; identify successful applications for using self-consolidating concrete in high strength concrete applications; and use of hydration stabilizing admixtures to deliver and pump concrete in congested urban high rise building projects that far exceeds normal projects.


Document Details

Author: Hover, Craig, Lobo, Kozikowski, Lyons


Categories: Cold Weather, Construction Practices, Placing, Self-Consolidating Concrete

Formats: Online Learning

Table of Contents

Learning Objectives:

1. Describe the Menzel/NRMCA nomograph method to estimate evaporation rate of fresh concrete, knowing concrete temperature, air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed at time of concrete delivery and placement.

2. Explain the pros and cons of the 90-minute concrete delivery time provision in ACI 301 and describe permitted procedures to accept late delivery while maintaining specified adequate slump, air entrainment, concrete temperature, and strength.

3. Describe the effects on durability of concrete slabs-on-ground when curing water is applied at temperatures 20°F degree or colder than newly placed cast-in-place concrete temperature.

4. Describe the proper placement of vapor retarders or barriers to better resist ground penetrating moisture through slabs with moisture sensitive coverings.


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