Table of Contents
364.11-15 Managing Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Expansion in Mass Concrete
364.12-15 TechNote: Repair of Leaking Cracks in the Walls of Liquid Containment Structures
364.13-15 TechNote: Repair for Reinforcement with Shallow Cover
ACI CODE-365-24: Service Life Evaluation—Design Specification
ACI CODE-369.1-17: Standard Requirements for Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Concrete Buildings (369.1) and Commentary
ACI CODE-369.1-22: Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Concrete Buildings—Code and Commentary
ACI CODE-437.2-22: Load Testing of Concrete Structures - Code and Commentary
ACI CODE-440.13-24: Strengthening Structural Concrete with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Systems—Code Requirements and Commentary
ACI CODE-562-16 Code Requirements for Assessment, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Structures and Commentary
ACI CODE-562-21: Assessment, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Structures - Code and Commentary
ACI PRC-132.2-22: Responsibility in Concrete Rehabilitation Construction - Guide
ACI PRC-201.1-08 Guide for Conducting a Visual Inspection of Concrete in Service
ACI PRC-201.2-23: Durable Concrete—Guide
ACI PRC-207.3-18: Report on Practices for Evaluation of Concrete in Existing Massive Structures for Service Conditions
ACI PRC-214.4-21: Obtaining Cores and Interpreting Core Compressive Strength Results
ACI PRC-214-11 Guide to Evaluation of Strength Test Results of Concrete (Reapproved 2019)
ACI PRC-221.1-98 PDF Report on Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity
ACI PRC-222.2-14 Report on Corrosion of Prestressing Steels
ACI PRC-222.3-11 Guide to Design and Construction Practices to Mitigate Corrosion of Reinforcement in Concrete Structures
ACI PRC-222-19: Guide to Protection of Metals in Concrete Against Corrosion
ACI PRC-224.1-07 Causes Evaluation and Repair of Cracks in Concrete Structures PDF
ACI PRC-228.1-19: Report on Methods for Estimating In-Place Concrete Strength
ACI PRC-228.2-13 Report on Nondestructive Test Methods for Evaluation of Concrete in Structures
ACI PRC-228.3-23: What an Owner Should Know about Nondestructive Testing—TechNote
ACI PRC-325.13-06(20) PDF Conc Overlays Pvmt Rehab
ACI PRC-345.1-16 Guide to Maintenance of Concrete Bridge Members
ACI PRC-362.2-21: Parking Structure Structural Maintenance - Guide
ACI PRC-364.10-14 Rehabilitation of Structure with Reinforcement Section Loss
ACI PRC-364.1-19: Guide for Assessment of Concrete Structures Before Rehabilitation
ACI PRC-364.14-17: TechNote: Section Loss Determination of Damaged or Corroded Reinforcing Steel Bars
ACI PRC-364.15-18: TechNote: Significance of the Shrinkage-Compensating and Nonshrink Labels on Packaged Repair Materials
ACI PRC-364.16-18: TechNote: Physical Properties and Characteristics Affecting the Sensitivity to Cracking of Cementitious Repair Materials
ACI PRC-364.2-21: Increasing Shear Capacity within Existing Reinforced Concrete Structures—TechNote
ACI PRC-364.3-22: Cementitious Repair Material Data Sheet - Guide
ACI PRC-364.4-21: Determining the Load Capacity of a Structure when Structural Drawings are Unavailable - TechNote
ACI PRC-364.6-22: Concrete Removal in Repairs Involving Corroded Reinforcing Steel—TechNote
ACI PRC-364.7-21: Evaluation and Minimization of Bruising in Concrete Repair - TechNote
ACI PRC-364.8-22: Hydrodemolition for Concrete Removal in Unbonded Post-Tensioned Systems—TechNote
ACI PRC-364.9-21: Cracks in a Concrete Repair - TechNote
ACI PRC-365.1-17: Report on Service Life Prediction
ACI PRC-369-11 Guide for Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Frame Buildings and Commentary
ACI PRC-423.4-14 Report on Corrosion and Repair of Unbonded Single-Strand Tendons
ACI PRC-423.8-21: Corrosion and Repair of Grouted Post-Tensioning Tendon Systems - Report
ACI PRC-437.1-07 Load Tests of Concrete Structures: Methods, Magnitude, Protocols PDF
ACI PRC-437-19: Strength Evaluation of Existing Concrete Buildings
ACI PRC-440.2-23: Design and Construction of Externally Bonded Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures—Guide
ACI PRC-440.3-12 Guide Test Methods for Fiber-Reinforced Polymers (FRPs) for Reinforcing or Strengthening Concrete Structures
ACI PRC-440.7-22: Externally Bonded Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Systems Design and Construction for Strengthening Masonry Structures - Guide
ACI PRC-503.5-92 PDF Select Polymer Adhesives
ACI PRC-515.2-13 Guide to Selecting Protective Treatments for Concrete (Reapproved 2023)
ACI PRC-515.3-20: Guide for Assessment and Surface Preparation for Application of Protection Systems for Concrete
ACI PRC-546.2-20: Guide to Underwater Repair of Concrete
ACI PRC-546.3-23: Materials Selection for Concrete Repair—Guide
ACI PRC-546.4-20: Guide for Job Site Quality Control and Quality Assurance of Cementitious Packaged Materials
ACI PRC-546-23: Concrete Repair—Guide
ACI PRC-548.1-09: Guide for the Use of Polymers in Concrete
ACI PRC-548.11-12 Guide for the Application of Epoxy and Latex Adhesives for Bonding Freshly Mixed and Hardened Concretes
ACI PRC-548.11-24: Application of Epoxy and Latex Adhesives for Bonding Freshly Mixed and Hardened Concretes—Guide
ACI PRC-548.3-09: Report on Polymer-Modified Concrete
ACI PRC-548.5-16 Guide for Polymer Concrete Overlays
ACI PRC-549.4-20: Guide to Design and Construction of Externally Bonded Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) Systems for Repair and Strengthening Concrete and M
ACI PRC-ITG-11-24: Statistical Techniques for Assessment of Existing Concrete Structures—Report
ACI SPEC-440.8-13 Specification for Carbon and Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Materials Made by Wet Layup for External Strengthen
ACI SPEC-503.4-92(03): Standard Specifications for Repairing Concrete with Epoxy Mortars
ACI SPEC-503.7-07 Specification for Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection
ACI SPEC-548.10-22: Type Methyl Methacrylate Slurry (MMS) Polymer Overlays for Bridge and Parking Garage Deck—Specification
ACI SPEC-548.13-21: Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive for Bonding to Concrete - Specification
ACI SPEC-548.14-14 Specification for Repairing Concrete with Epoxy Mortar
ACI SPEC-548.15-20: Specification for Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection
ACI SPEC-548.4-11 Specification for Latex-Modifid Concrete Overlays
ACI SPEC-548.8-19: Construction Specification for Type EM (Epoxy Multi-Layer) Polymer Overlay for Bridge and Parking Garage Decks
ACI SPEC-548.9-21: Type ES (Epoxy Slurry) Polymer Overlay for Bridge and Parking Garage Decks—Specification
ACI SPEC-563-18: Specifications for Repair of Concrete in Buildings
ACI SPEC-563-25: Repair of Concrete in Buildings—Specification
MNL-3(16) Guide to the Code for Assessment, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Buildings
MNL-3(20): Guide to the Code for Assessment, Repair, and Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete Structures
On Demand Course: Performance Engineered Concrete Mixtures
On-Demand Course: ACI 364 TechNotes on Repair and Rehabilitation (Part 1)
On-Demand Course: ACI 364 TechNotes on Repair and Rehabilitation (Part 2)
On-Demand Course: ACI 364-Condition Assessment of Concrete Structures Prior to Rehabilitation
On-Demand Course: ACI 546R-14: Concrete Repair Guide (Chapter 6)
On-Demand Course: ACI 546R-14: Concrete Repair Guide (Chapter 7)
On-Demand Course: ACI 562 Repair Code
On-Demand Course: ACI 562-19 – The ACI Concrete Repair Code
On-Demand Course: ACI 563 – At Last, Specifications for Concrete Repair
On-Demand Course: Concrete Removal Using Hydrodemolition (RAP 14)
On-Demand Course: Concrete Repair by Shotcrete Application (RAP 12)
On-Demand Course: Crack Repair by Gravity Feed with Resin (RAP 2)
On-Demand Course: D-Cracking of Concrete Pavements
On-Demand Course: Design and Construction of Resilient and Durable Concrete Pavements Subjected to Extreme Conditions
On-Demand Course: Emerging Methods in Visual Condition Surveys of Concrete
On-Demand Course: Emerging Technologies in Civil Infrastructure
On-Demand Course: Evaluation of Concrete Structures
On-Demand Course: Externally Bonded Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) Systems for Repair and Strengthening
On-Demand Course: Fiber-Reinforced Self-Consolidating Concrete – Development and Use
On-Demand Course: Guide to ACI 562-16 Repair Code: Design Examples
On-Demand Course: Guide to ACI 562-19 Repair Code
On-Demand Course: Installation of Embedded Galvanic Anodes (RAP 8)
On-Demand Course: Leveling and Reprofiling of Vertical and Overhead Surfaces (RAP 10)
On-Demand Course: Managing Alkali-Aggregate Reaction Expansion in Mass Concrete
On-Demand Course: Methacrylate Flood Coat (RAP 13)
On-Demand Course: Overview of ACI 330.2R-17 “Guide for the Design and Construction of Concrete Site Paving for Industrial and Trucking Facilities"
On-Demand Course: Rehabilitation of Structure with Reinforcement Section Loss
On-Demand Course: Repair and Rehabilitation (Part 1)
On-Demand Course: Repair and Rehabilitation (Part 2)
On-Demand Course: Repairing Concrete with Corroded Reinforcing Steel
On-Demand Course: Seismic Resistance of FRP-Reinforced/Strengthened Concrete Structures
On-Demand Course: Shotcrete – Guide and Specification
On-Demand Course: Slabjacking (RAP 11)
On-Demand Course: Spall Repair by Low-Pressure Spraying (RAP 3)
On-Demand Course: Spall Repair by the Preplaced Aggregate Method (RAP 9)
On-Demand Course: Spall Repair of Horizontal Concrete Structures (RAP 7)
On-Demand Course: Structural Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection (RAP 1)
On-Demand Course: Surface Repair Using Form-and-Pour Techniques (RAP 4)
On-Demand Course: Surface Repair Using Form-and-Pump Techniques (RAP 5)
On-Demand Course: Understanding Corrosion of Steel in Concrete
On-Demand Course: Understanding the ACI 562-21 Concrete Repair Code
On-Demand Course: Vertical and Overhead Spall Repair by Hand Application (RAP 6)
PRC-364.5-21: Importance of Modulus of Elasticity in Surface Repair Materials - TechNote
RAP-1: Structural Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection
RAP-10: Leveling and Reprofiling of Vertical and Overhead Surfaces
RAP-11: Slabjacking
RAP-12: Concrete Repair by Shotcrete Application
RAP-13: Methacrylate Flood Coat
RAP-14: Concrete Removal Using Hydrodemolition
RAP-2: Crack Repair by Gravity Feed with Resin
RAP-3: Spall Repair by Low-Pressure Spraying
RAP-4: Surface Repair Using Form-and-Pour Techniques
RAP-5: Surface Repair Using Form-and-Pump Techniques
RAP-6: Vertical and Overhead Spall Repair by Hand Application
RAP-7: Spall Repair of Horizontal Concrete Surfaces
RAP-8: Installation of Embedded Galvanic Anodes
RAP-9: Spall Repair by the Preplaced Aggregate Method
Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Concrete Construction with Silica Fume
SP-065: Performance of Concrete in Marine Environment
SP-085: Rehabilitation, Renovation, and Preservation of Concrete and Masonry Structures
SP-089: Polymer Concrete: Uses, Materials and Properties
SP-092: Evaluation and Repair of Fire Damage to Concrete
SP-099: Polymer Modified Concrete
SP-109: Concrete in Marine Environment
SP-116: Polymers in Concrete: Advances and Applications
SP-128: Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures and Innovations in Design
SP-137: Polymer Concrete
SP-160: Seismic Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures
SP-163: Third CANMET/ACI International Conference on Performance of Concrete in Marine Environment
SP-165: Repair and Strengthening of Concrete Members with Adhesive Bonded Plates
SP-168: Innovations In Nondestructive Testing of Concrete
SP-185: High-Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Infrastructural Repair and Retrofit
SP-193: Repair, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance of Concrete Structures, and Innovations in Design and Construction - Pro
SP-214: Polymers in Concrete: The First Thirty Years
SP-252: Health Monitoring Systems & Sensors for Assessing Concrete CD
SP-277: Recent Advances in Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Bridges CD
SP-278: Frontiers in the Use of Polymers in Concrete CD
SP-285: Concrete Construction and Structural Evaluation: A Symposium Honoring Dov Kaminetzky
SP-292: Structural Health Monitoring Technologies
SP-297: Seismic Assessment of Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings
SP-298: Advanced Materials and Sensors Towards Smart Concrete Bridges: Concept, Performance, Evaluation, and Repair
SP-304 Sustainable Performance of Concrete Bridges and Elements Subjected to Aggressive Environments: Monitoring, Evaluation, and Rehabilitation
SP-324: Composites with Inorganic Matrix for Repair of Concrete and Masonry Structures
SP-332: Responsibility in Repair Construction