SP-143: New Experimental Techniques for Evaluating Concrete Material & Structural Performance

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Editors: David J. Stevens & Mohsen A. Issa


Concrete is a truly unique material, exhibiting a wide range of mechanical, physical, and chemical properties, which in turn, are affected by the type of load condition, the constituents, the local environment, the processing method, the structural application, etc. Because of this complex behavior, it is crucial that accurate and meaningful experimental methods be developed and used, in order to efficiently utilize concrete, to guarantee the public's safety, and to minimize cost. This is particularly true in the 1990s, as new and novel concretes, admixtures, and reinforcements are developed.


Document Details

Publication Year: 1994

Pages: 330

ISBN: 9780870316425

Categories: Testing

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents

-Fiber Optic Sensor for Measurement of Strain in Concrete

Structures, by M.H. Maher, B. Chen, J.D. Prohaska, E.G. Nawy,

and E. Snitzer

-Moving Load Tests on Three Precast Pretensioned Concrete

Railway Bridges, by V. Sharma, W.L. Gamble, J. Choros, and

A.J. Reinschmidt

-Measurements for Structural Performance Evaluation, by

R.L. Nigbor

-Instrumentation of the Grand-Mère Bridge During Strengthening,

by B. Massicotte and A. Picard

-Scale Model for the Evaluation of a Continuous Prestressed

Flat-Slab Bridge System, by R.A. Cook and F.E. Fagundo

-Materials Design for Self-Diagnosis of Fracture in CFGFRP

Composite Reinforcement, by M. Sugita, H. Yanagida, and N. Muto

-Experimental and Numerical Fracture Modelling of a Gravity Dam,

by A. Carpinteri, S. Valente, G. Ferrara, and L. Imperato

-Some Aspects of Closed-Loop Controlled Testing of Reinforced

Concrete Beams at High Rates, by S.M. Kulkarni and S.P. Shah

-A Technique for Measuring the Interface Confining Stress in

Concrete Filled Steel Tubes: Hydraulic Analogy, by R.Y. Miao

and W.H. Yang

-Theoretical Evaluation of the Break Off Test for Concrete, by

M. Wecharatana and A.P. Ranasinghe

-A New Nondestructive Technique to Investigate Concrete Surface

Topography by A.M. Hammad and M.A. Issa

-Behavior of Ultrasonic Pulses in Fresh Concrete, by S. Popovics,

R. Silva-Rodrigez, J.S. Popovics, and V. Martucci

-Energy Characterization for Brittle Material Response Under

Uniaxial Compression Through Ultrasonic Scanning, by F.F. Tang

-Failure Monitoring of Concrete Specimen Using Frequency

Characteristics of Ultrasonic Waves, by S. Drabkin and D.S. Kim

-In-Place Evaluation of Concrete Strength Using the Impact-Echo

Method, by S. Pessiki and M.R. Johnson

-Accelerated Bond and Durability Testing of FRPs for Bridge

Applications, by R. Sen and M. Shahawy

-Experimental Technique for Large-Scale Impact Testing of

Reinforced Concrete, by A. Scanlon, A. Nanni, and S. Ragan


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