SP-186: High-Performance Concrete: Performance and Quality of Concrete Structures

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Editor: V.M. Malhotra, P. Helene, L.R. Prudencio Jr., D.C.C. Dal Molin


The Second CANMET/ACI International Conference showcased information on emerging high-performance concrete in Brazil and other South American countries. Over 100 papers were submitted from all over the world and were reviewed in accordance with ACI policy. Forty-five were accepted for publication in this volume.


Document Details

Publication Year: 1999

Pages: 793

ISBN: 9780870316852

Categories: High Performance Concrete

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents

Concrete Sulfate Attack in a Sulfate-Free Environement

by M. Collepardi

Design and Properties of High-Volume Fly Ash High-Performance Concrete

byJ.G Cabrera and C.D. Atis

Prehydrated High-Alumnina Cement-Based Admixture for Compensating Autogenous Shrinkage in High-Performance Concrete

by W.L. Repette and N.P. Mailvaganam

Mechinical Behavior of Repaired Beams Under Static Loading

by W. Moura, A. Masuero, D. Dal Molin, and A. Vilela

High-Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete for Mine Roadway Support Panels

by J. Sustersic, M. Kolenc, A. Zajc, F. Ricek, and M.Z. Pogorelcnik

Rheological Behavior of Dry-Mix Shotcrete

by A.D.Figueiredo

Concrete Mix Proportioning to Meet Durability Concerns for Confederation Bridge

by W. Langley

Roller-Compacted Concrete Incorporating Superplasticizer and Viscous Agent for Pavements

by M. Kagaya, H. Tokuda, an Y. Inaba

Performance of Polyolefin Fiber Reinforced Concrete Under Cyclic Loading

by V. Ramakrishnan and C. Sivakumar

Microstructure of Two-Thousand-Year-Old Lightweight Concrete

by R. Rivera-Villarreal and J.G. Cabrera

Use of Locally Available Aggreagates for High-Strength, High Abrasion-Resistant Concrete in Slovenia

by M. Simon and J. Selih

Study of Influence of Rice-Husk Fly Ash on Compressive Strength of Concrete at Different Ages

by G. Rodriguez de Sensale and D.C.C. Dal Molin

Bond Influence on Rotation Capacity of High-Strength and Normal Strength Concrete Beams

by I.A.E. M. Shehata, L.A. Ventorini, and L.C.D. Shehata

Microstructural Investigation of Portland Cement Mortars Containing Varying Dosages of Polynaphthalene Sulfonate Superplasticizer

by G. Xu, J.J. Beaudoin, C. Jolicoeur, and M. Page

Physico Mechanical Properties of High-Performance Concrete

by A. DiMaio, G. Giaccio, andR. Zerbino

Gas Permeability of High-Performance Concretes-Site and Laboratory Tests

by R. Torrent

Performance of Fiber Reinforced Lightweight and Normal-Weight Concrete in Simulated Marine Environment

by C.K. Ong, T.W. Bremner, T.A. Holm, and S.R. Boyd

Computer Simulation of Particle Packing in Cementitious Systems

by M. Stroeven and P. Stroeven

High-Strength High-Performance Concrete Using Fly Ash and Superplasticizer Admixture

by R. Rivera, R. Davila, and A. Duran

Composite Columns-Steel Pipes with Square and Rectangular Sections and High-Strength Concrete Core

by J.F. Fernandez andR.S.Agostini

Chloride Penetration Profiles in Marine Environments

by P. Castro, O.T. De Rincon, and E. Pazini

Behavior of Normal and High-Strength Concretes During Vibration

by M.N. Soutos, J.H. Bungey, M.J. Brizell, and G.D. Henderson

Frost Durability of High-Performance Concrete Incorporating Slag or Silica Fume

by M. Soeda, T. Yamato, and Y. Emoto

Influence of Cement Type and Curing Conditions on Initial Absorption of Concrete

by G. Camarini, J.P.Balayssac, and Ch. H. Detriche

Behavior of Reinforced High-Strength Concrete Corbels-Experimental Investigation and Design Model

by G.B. Fernandes

Axially Loaded High-Performance Concrete Columns with Steel Fibers

by A.E.P. Guimaraes, J.S. Giongo, and T. Takeya

Synergic Action of Fly Ash in Ternary Mixtures of High-Performance Concrete

by G.C. Isaia

Mechanisms of Actions of Different Superplasticizers for High-Performance Concrete

by S. Collepardi, L. Coppola, R. Troli, and M. Collepardi

Reliability Updating of Deteriorating Concrete Floor Slabs

by T.J. DaSilva and P. Roca

Development of Research and Application of High-Performance Concrrete in Bridge Engineering in Poland

by W. Radomski

Production and Testing of Self-Levelling Concrete

by J. Ambroise, S. Rols, and J. Pera

High-Strength Concrete with Limestone Filler Cements

by V. Bonavetti, H. Donza, V. Rahhal, and E.F. Irassar

Estimation of Modulus of Elasticity in High-Performance Concrete Mix At arlier And Later Ages

by R.C.A. Pinto and K.C. Hover

High-Strength Concrete Deep Beams with Web Openings

by A.P. Almeida and N. de Oliveira Pinto, Jr

Admixture Compatibility in Special Concretes

by N.P. Mailvaganam

Modeling of Serviceability Behavior of High-Performance Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforced Concrete Members

by M.A. Aiello and L. Ombres

Mechanical Properties and Durability of High-Performance Concrete

by R.L. Silveira, J.M. Calixto, and J.T. Fontoura

Influence of Ultra-Fine Particle Type on Properties of Very-High-Strength Concrete

by S. Rols, M. Mbessa, J. Ambroise, and J. Pera

Water Permeability Study of High-Performance Concrete

by J. Sebe and J.M. Calixto

Behavior of High-Strength Concrete Beam-Column Connections

by R.H. Scott, S.J. Hamil, and P.S. Baglin

Comparison Between Demand of Superplasticizer Admixture and Strength Development of High-Performance Concrete Using Silica Fume and Residual Rice-Husk Ash

by S. Santos, L.R. Prudencio, Jr, and G.P. Gava

Applications of High-Performance Concrete for Ultra-Thin Pavement Overlays (White-Topping)

by J.T. Balbo

Studies on High-Performance High-Strength Concrete (HPHSC) Columns

by B.V. Rangan

Design for Durable Service Life-Linchpin For Sustainability in Concrete Construction

by R.N. Swamy


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