SP-230: 7th International Symposium on Fiber-Reinforced (FRP) Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures

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Note: The individual papers are also available as .pdf downloads. Please click on the previous link to view the papers available, or call 248.848.3800 to order.

Editors: Carol K. Shield, John P. Busel, Stephanie L. Walkup, Doug D. Gremel


This two volume set contains 95 papers from the 7th International Symposium and includes chapters devoted to materials characterization, masonry, bond, external strengthening, serviceability, design and behavior of members internally reinforced with FRP composites, FRP used for confinement, field applications, extreme events, and durability. The technical papers not only emphasize the experimental, analytical, and numerical validations of using FRP composites for externally strengthening or internally reinforcing concrete structures, but most are aimed at providing the insight needed for improving existing design guidelines. Several papers discuss the proposed design guidelines for deflections, shear strength, and reinforcing masonry, which practitioners should find useful. New applications are also featured, including studies and design equations for the use of near-surface-mounted FRP products, use of steel-reinforced polymer for reinforcing concrete, and the use of FRP to retrofit structures for blast mitigation. FRP composites performance is presented in chapters on durability and extreme events.


Document Details

Publication Year: 2005

Pages: 1708

ISBN: 9780870311895

Categories: Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents


Chapter 1—Spice Up Your Concrete with FRP Composites

-SP-230—1: An Innovative Hybrid FRP-Concrete Bridge System 1

by M. Elbadry, H. Abe, K. Schonknecht, and T. Yoshioka

-SP-230—2: Proposed GFRP Connectors in Sandwich Panels 21

by W.A. Pong, A.F. Morgan Girgis, and M.K. Tadros

-SP-230—3: Tensile Capacities of CFRP Anchors 39

by G. Ozdemir and U. Akyuz

-SP-230—4: An Exploratory Study of FRP Seismic Restrainers Subjected to

Dynamic Loads 57

by M. Saiidi, R. Johnson, and E. Maragakis

-SP-230—5: Manufacturing, Durability and Bond Behavior of

FRP Bars with Nanoclay 77

by P.V. Vijay, H.V.S. GangaRao, and V. Krishnaswamy

-SP-230—6: Textile Reinforced Mortars (TRM) versus Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) as Strengthening Materials of Concrete Structures 99

by T.C. Triantafillou and C.G. Papanicolaou

-SP-230—7: Innovative Triaxially Braided Ductile FRP Fabric for

Strengthening Structures 119

by N.F. Grace, W.F. Ragheb, and G. Abdel-Sayed

Chapter 2—Innovations in FRP Material Testing & Characterization

-SP-230—8: Material Characterization of FRP Pre-Cured Laminates Used in the Mechanically Fastened FRP Strengthening of RC Structures 135

by A. Rizzo, N. Galati, A. Nanni, and L.R. Dharani

-SP-230—9: Method for Screening Durability and Constituent Materials

in FRP Bars 153

by D. Gremel, N. Galati, and J. Stull

-SP-230—10: A New Set-Up for FRP-Concrete Stable Delamination Test 165

by C. Mazzotti, M. Savoia, and B. Ferracuti

-SP-230—11: Stepped Isothermal Method for Creep Rupture

Studies of Aramid Fibres 181

by K.G.N.C. Alwis and C.J. Burgoyne

-SP-230—12: Fiber Optics Technique for Quality Control and

Monitoring of FRP Installations 195 by V. Antonucci, M. Giordano, and A. Prota

-SP-230—13: Gripping Behavior of CFRP Prestressing Rods

for Novel Anchor Design 209

by A. Al-Mayah, K. Soudki, and A. Plumtree

Chapter 3—Strengthening of Existing Masonry Structures with FRP Systems

-SP-230—14: Out-of-Plane Static and Blast Resistance of Unreinforced Masonry Wall Connections Strengthened with FRP 229

by P. Carney and J.J. Myers

-SP-230—15: Out-of-Plane Bending of URM Walls Strengthened with FRP Strips — Modeling and Analysis 249

by E. Hamed and O. Rabinovitch

-SP-230—16: Design Guidelines for Masonry Structures: Out of Plane Loads 269

by N. Galati, E. Garbin, G. Tumialan, and A. Nanni

-SP-230—17: FRP Repair Methods for Unreinforced Masonry Buildings

Subject to Cyclic Loading 289

by P.B. Foster, J. Gergely, D.T. Young, W.M. McGinley, and A. Corzo

-SP-230—18: In-plane Strengthening of Unreinforced Masonry Walls

with Prestressed GFRP Bars 307

by P. Yu, P.F. Silva, and A. Nanni

-SP-230—19: Cyclic In-Plane Shear of Concrete Masonry Walls

Strengthened by FRP Laminates 327

by M.A. Haroun, A.S. Mosallam, and K.H. Allam

-SP-230—20: Seismic Performance on Masonry Infill Walls Retrofitted

With CFRP Sheets 341

by M. Saatcioglu, F. Serrato, and S. Foo

Chapter 4— Bond of FRP Bars, Sheets, Laminates, and Anchorages to Concrete

-SP-230—21: The Effect of Adhesive Type on the Bond of NSM Tape to Concrete 355

by C. Shield, C. French, and E. Milde

-SP-230—22: Modeling of FRP-Concrete Bond Using Nonlinear

Damage Mechanics 373

by C.A. Coronado and M.M. Lopez

-SP-230—23: Experiemental Study of Short NSM-FRP Bar Anchorages 391

by D.G. Novidis and S.J. Pantazopoulou

-SP-230—24: Debonding in FRP-Strengthened Flexural Members with

Different Shear-Span Ratios 411

by Z. Wu and S. Hemdan

-SP-230—25: Enhanced End Anchorage of Bonded FRP Repairs 427

by M.J. Chajes, W.W. Finch, Jr., and H.W. Shenton

-SP-230—26: FRP-Concrete Bond Behavior: A Parametric Study

Through Pull-Off Testing 441

by B.M. McSweeney and M.M. Lopez

-SP-230—27: Modelling of Debonding Failures in FRP-Strengthened

Two-Way Slabs 461

by W.E. El Sayed, U.A. Ebead, and K.W. Neale

Chapter 5—Strengthening of Existing Concrete Structures with FRP Systems, Part 1

-SP-230—28: Design Guidelines for the Strengthening of Existing Structures

with FRP in Italy 481

by L. Ascione, A. Benedetti, R. Frassine, G. Manfredi, G. Monti, A. Nanni,

C. Poggi, and E. Sacco

-SP-230—29: Finite Element Modelling of RC Beams Retrofitted with CFRP Fabrics 499

by H.B. Pham and R. Al-Mahaidi

-SP-230—30: Behavior of RC Beams Strengthened with Externally

Post-Tensioning CFRP Strips 515

by K.-S. Choi, Y.-C. You, Y.-H. Park, J.-S. Park, and K.-H. Kim

-SP-230—31: Influence of Bond Behavior on the Cross Sectional Forces in Flexural RC Members Strengthened with CFRP 529

by G. Zehetmaier and K. Zilch

-SP-230—32: FRP-Strengthening in Shear: Tests and Design Equations 543

by G. Monti and M.A. Liotta

-SP-230—33: Post-Repair Performance of Corroded Bond Critical RC Beams

Repaired with CFRP 563

by B.C. Craig and K.A. Soudki

-SP-230—34: Bond Strengthening of Steel Bars Using External FRP Confinement: Implications on the Static and Cyclic Response of R/C Members 579

by M.H. Harajli

Chapter 6—Serviceability of FRP Reinforced Concrete Structures

-SP-230—35: Fatigue Behavior of Prestressed Concrete Bridge Girders Strengthened with Various CFRP Systems 597

by O.A. Rosenboom and S.H. Rizkalla

-SP-230—36: Fatigue Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Different FRP Laminate Configurations 613

by R. Gussenhoven and S.F. Breña

-SP-230—37: Steel-Free Hybrid FRP Stiffened Panel-Concrete Deck System 631

by L. Cheng and V.M. Karbhari

-SP-230—38: Rationale for the ACI 440.1R-06 Indirect Deflection Control

Design Provisions 651

by C.E. Ospina and S.P. Gross

-SP-230—39: Time Depending Thermo Mechanical Bond Behavior of Epoxy Bonded

Pre-Stressed FRP-Reinforcement 671

by K. Borchert and K. Zilch

-SP-230—40: Long-Term Performance of a CFRP Strap Shear Retrofitting System 685

by N. Hoult and J. Lees

-SP-230—41: Freeze-Thaw Behavior of FRP-Confined Concrete

under Sustained Load 705

by A. Kong, A. Fam, and M.F. Green

Chapter 7—Strengthening of Existing Concrete Structures with FRP Systems, Part II

-SP-230—42: Probabilistic Based Design for FRP Strengthening

of Reinforced Concrete 723

by R.A. Atadero and V.M. Karbhari

-SP-230—43: Strengthening of Concrete Structures using Steel Wire

Reinforced Polymer 743

by W. Figeys, L. Schueremans, K. Brosens, and D. Van Gemert

-SP-230—44: Performance of Double-T Prestressed Concrete Beams Strengthened with Steel Reinforced Polymer 763

by P. Casadei, A. Nanni, T. Alkhrdaji, and J. Thomas

-SP-230—45: Analytical Evaluation of RC Beams Strengthened with Near Surface Mounted CFRP Laminates 779

by J.-Y. Kang, Y.-H. Park, J.-S. Park, Y.-J. You, and W.-T. Jung

-SP-230—46: Experimental Investigation on Flexural Behavior of RC Beams Strengthened by NSM CFRP Reinforcements 795

by W.-T. Jung, Y.-H. Park, J.-S. Park, J.-Y. Kang, and Y.-J. You

-SP-230—47: Shear Strengthening of RC Beams with Near-Surface-Mounted

CFRP Laminates 807

by S. Dias and J. Barros

-SP-230—48: Shear Assessment and Strengthening of Contiguous-Beam Concrete Bridges Using FRP Bars 825

by P. Valerio, T.J. Ibell, and A.P. Darby

-Conversion Factors


Chapter 8—Design and Behavior of Concrete Members Internally Reinforced with FRP

-SP-230—49: Punching Shear Capacity of Double Layer FRP Grid

Reinforced Slabs 857

by D.A. Jacobson, L.C. Bank, M.G. Oliva, and J.S. Russell

-SP-230—50: A New Punching Shear Equation for Two-Way Concrete Slabs Reinforced with FRP Bars 877

by S. El-Gamal, E.F. El-Salakawy, and B. Benmokrane

-SP-230—51: Flexural Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced-Concrete Beams Reinforced with

FRP Rebars 895

by H. Wang and A. Belarbi

-SP-230—52: Finite Element Modeling of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with FRP Bars 915

by A. El-Ragaby, E.F. El-Salakawy, and B. Benmokrane

-SP-230—53: Guide Examples for Design of Concrete Reinforced with FRP Bars 935

by W.K. Feeser and V.L. Brown

-SP-230—54: Shear Strength of Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP Bars:

Design Method 955

by A.K. El-Sayed, E.F. El-Salakawy, and B. Benmokrane

-SP-230—55: Tension Stiffening Behavior of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete 975

by H. Sooriyaarachchi, K. Pilakoutas, and E. Byars

Chapter 9—Concrete Confinement Using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Grid

-SP-230—56: Concrete Confinement Using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Grid 991

by A.P. Michael, H.R. Hamilton III, and M.H. Ansley

-SP-230—57: Strain-Based Design Model for FRP-Confined Concrete Columns 1011

by N. Saenz and C.P. Pantelides

-SP-230—58: FRP-Confinement of Hollow Concrete Cylinders and Prisms 1029

by R. Modarelli, F. Micelli, and O. Manni

-SP-230—59: Shape Modification with Expansive Cement Concrete for Confinement with FRP Composites 1047

by Z. Yan, C.P. Pantelides, and L.D. Reaveley

-SP-230—60: Design Equations for FRP—Strengthening of Columns 1067

by G. Monti and S. Alessandri

-SP-230—61: Shear Strength Prediction of Deep CFFT Beams 1085

by I. Ahmad, Z. Zhu, A. Mirmiran, and A. Fam

-SP-230—62: Field Installation, Splicing, and Flexural Testing of Hybrid

FRP/Concrete Piles 1103

by K. Helmi, A. Fam, and A. Mufti

Chapter 10—Field Applications of FRP Reinforced Concrete Structures

-SP-230—63: Design and Construction of a Bridge Deck using Mild and Post-Tensioned FRP Bars 1121

by R. Fico, N. Galati, A. Prota, and A. Nanni

-SP-230—64: FRP Application in Underwater Repair of Corroded Piles 1139

by R. Sen, G. Mullins, K. Suh, and D. Winters

-SP-230—65: Strengthening of Off-System Bridges with Mechanically Fastened Pre-Cured FRP Laminates 1157

by A. Rizzo, N. Galati, and A. Nanni

-SP-230—66: Application of Tensioned CFRP Strip Method to an Existing Bridge 1177

by A. Tateishi, A. Kobayashi, Y. Hamada, T. Takahashi, and H. Yasumori

-SP-230—67: Performance Evaluation of a Short-Span Bridge Built with FRP Reinforced Concrete Panels 1191

by U. Deza and A. Nanni

-SP-230—68: Rehabilitation of Plaza De Diego Building in San Juan, P.R.

using CFRP 1209

by M. Ehsani

-SP-230—69: Bonded and Mechanically Fastened FRP Strengthening Systems:

A Case Study 1217

by A. Lopez, A. Rizzo, N. Galati, and A. Nanni

Chapter 11—Effects of Extreme Events on FRP Reinforced Concrete Structures

-SP-230—70: High Temperature Residual Properties of Externally-Bonded

FRP Systems 1235

by S.K. Foster and L.A. Bisby

-SP-230—71: Fire Endurance of Insulated FRP-Strengthened

Square Concrete Columns 1253

by V.K.R. Kodur, L.A. Bisby, M.F. Green, and E. Chowdhury

-SP-230—72: Innovative Application of FRPs for Seismic Strengthening of

RC Shear Wall 1269

by K. Kobayashi

-SP-230—73: Innovative Technique for Seismic Upgrade of RC Square Columns 1289

by A. Prota, G. Manfredi, A. Balsamo, A. Nanni, and E. Cosenza

-SP-230—74: Finite Element Modeling of Cyclic Behavior of Shear Wall Structure Retrofitted using GFRP 1305

by Z.J. Li, T. Balendra, K.H. Tan, and K.H. Kong

-SP-230—75: Seismic Rehabilitation of a Full-Scale RC Structure using

GFRP Laminates 1325

by A. Balsamo, G. Manfredi, E. Mola, P. Negro, and A. Prota

-SP-230—76: Retrofit for Blast-Resistant RC Slabs with Composite Materials 1345

by B. Lu, P. Silva, A. Nanni, and J. Baird

Chapter 12—Durability of FRP of Reinforced Concrete Structures

-SP-230—77: Durability of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Field Structures 1361

by A. Mufti, M. Onofrei, B. Benmokrane, N. Banthia, M. Boulfiza, J. Newhook, B. Bakht, G. Tadros, and P. Brett

-SP-230—78: GFRP-Bonded RC Beams under Sustained Loading and

Tropical Weathering 1379

by M.K. Saha and K.H. Tan

-SP-230—79: Durability Assessment of Combined Environmental

Exposure and Bending 1397

by C. Helbling and V.M. Karbhari

-SP-230—80: Durability of CFRP Sheet Reinforcement through Exposure Tests 1419

by I. Nishizaki, P. Labossière, and B. Sarsaniuc

-SP-230—81: Tensile Strength of GFRP Bars Under Sustained Loading in

Concrete Beams 1429

by C.E. Bakis, T.E. Boothby, R.A. Schaut, and C.G. Pantano

-SP-230—82: Performance of Corrosion-Damaged RC Columns Repaired by

CFRP Sheets 1447

by S.-W. Bae, A. Belarbi, and J.J. Myers

-SP-230—83: A Fracture Mechanics Approach for Interface Durability of

Bonded FRP to Concrete 1465

by J.F. Davalos, S.S. Kodkani, I. Ray, and D.M. Boyajian

Chapter 13—Poster Session

-SP-230—84: Local Bond-Slip Characteristics of G-FRP Bars 1481

by S.P. Tastani, S.J. Pantazopoulou, and P. Karvounis

-SP-230—85: Bond Performance of Deformed GFRP Rebar with Milled

Fibers to Concrete 1497

by J. Sim, D.Y. Moon, and H. Oh

-SP-230—86: Static and Fatigue Bond Characteristics of Interfaces between CFRP Sheets and Frost Damage Experienced Concrete 1515

by J.G. Dai, Y. Saito, T. Ueda, and Y. Sato

-SP-230—87: Significance of Stress-Block Parameters on the Moment Capacity of Sections Under-Reinforced with FRP 1531

by G. Urgessa, S. Horton, M.M. Reda Taha, and A. Maji

-SP-230—88: The Influence of Temperature on the Debonding of Externally

Bonded CFRP 1551

by E.L. Klamer, D.A. Hordijk, and H.J.M. Janssen

-SP-230—89: Effect of Environmental Conditions on Bond Strength between CFRP Laminate and Concrete Substrate 1571

by J.J. Myers and M. Ekenel

-SP-230—90: FRP Stay-in-Place Formwork for Seismic Resistant High-Strength

Concrete Columns 1593

by T. Ozbakkaloglu and M. Saatcioglu

-SP-230—91: Closed Form Design Equations for Strengthened Concrete Beams:

FRP Rupture 1613

by N. Hatami and H.A. Rasheed

-SP-230—92: External Prestressing Concrete Columns with Fibrous

Composite Belts 1631

by K.N. Nesheli and K. Meguro

-SP-230—93: Flexural Strengthening of RC Beams Using Steel Reinforced Polymer (SRP) Composites 1647

by Y.J. Kim, A. Fam, A. Kong, and R. El-Hacha

-SP-230—94: Shear Strengthening Effects with Varying Types of FRP Materials and Strengthening Methods 1665

by J. Sim, G. Kim, C. Park, and M. Ju

-SP-230—95: Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members Strengthened with Near-Surface Mounted FRP Reinforcement 1681

by R. El-Hacha, S.H. Rizkalla, and R. Kotynia

-Conversion Factors


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