SP-242: 9th Canmet/ACI Fly Ash Conference

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Editor: V.M. Malhotra

Note: The individual papers are also available as .pdf downloads. Please click on the previous link to view the papers available, or call 248.848.3800 to order.


This publication contains the proceedings from the Ninth CANMET/ACI International Conference on Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag, and Natural Pozzolans in Concrete, held in Warsaw, Poland, in May 2007. The 36 papers include topics related to silica fume in high-quality concrete, temperature attack and freezing-and-thawing cycles on durability of high-strength concrete with silica fume, measuring shrinkage of self-consolidating concrete incorporating fly ash and silica fume, and development of alkali-activated slag concrete for practical use, among others.


Document Details

Publication Year: 2007

Pages: 720

ISBN: 9780870312410

Categories: Fly Ash

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents

SP-242—1: Beneficiated Fly Ash Versus Normal Fly Ash or Silica Fume

by M. Collepardi, S. Collepardi, J.J. Ogoumah Olagot, and R. Troli

SP-242—2: Alkaline Activation of Synthetic Gehlenite Glasses by J. Deja

SP-242—3: Bending Fatigue Strength of Roller-Compacted Concrete With Fly Ash as a Substitute for Fine Aggregate by E. Matsuo, K. Hino, and S. Hamada

SP-242—4: Temperature Rise and Strength Development in Laboratory-Cast

Concrete Structural Elements Containing Slag by S.J. Barnett, M.N. Soutsos, S.G. Millard, and J.H. Bungey

SP-242—5: Stabilization of Industrial By-Products in Mortars Containing

Metakaolin by M. Cyr, R. Idir, G. Escadeillas, S. Julien, and N. Menchon

SP-242—6: Silica Fume in High-Quality Concrete—A Review of Mechanism and Performance by H. Justnes

SP-242—7: Microstructure of Concrete Made with Blends of Fly Ash Cement and Waste Clay by Backscattered Electron Images by M.I. Sánchez de Rojas, M. Frías, F.P. Marín, and J. Rivera

SP-242—8: Use of Electric Arc Furnace Slag as a Raw Feed Component for Portland Clinker Manufacture by M. Marroccoli, M. Nobili, A. Telesca, and G.L. Valenti

SP-242—9: Kinetics of Pozzolanic Reaction and Strength Build-Up in the Mortar of Biomass/Coal Fly Ash with Calcium Hydroxide by S. Wang, R. Dalton, S. Bragonje, J. Tullis, and L. Baxter

SP-242—10: The Measurement and Analysis of Silica Fume Partical Size

Distribution and De-Agglomeration of Different Silica Fume Product Forms

by J. Wolsiefer Sr.

SP-242—11: A New Accelerated Rapid Chloride Permeability Test for Measuring Permeability of HPC for Highway and Bridge Applications by R.K. Panchalan and V. Ramakrishnan

SP-242—12: Investigations into Properties and Treatment of Collie Fly Ash that Influence Admixture Sensitivity in Blended Cement Concretes by R.L. Munn and Z.-T. Chang

SP-242—13: Fly Ash from Co-Burning Bituminous Coal and Biomass—Effect on Properties of Cement by J. Małolepszy and E. Tkaczewska

SP-242—14: Durability of High-Strength Concrete with Silica Fume: Temperature Attack and Freezing-and-Thawing Cycles by I. Janotka

SP-242—15: A Comparative Study on Mortar Containing Silica Fume and High Reactivity Metakaolin in Relation to Restrained Shrinkage Stress Development

and Cracking by A.B. Hossain, S. Islam, and B. Reid

SP-242—16: Long Term Chloride Intrusion in Field-Exposed Concrete with and without Silica Fume by O. Skjølsvold, H. Justnes, T.A. Hammer, and P. Fidjestøl

SP-242—17: Measuring Shrinkage of Self-Consolidating Concrete Incroporating Fly Ash and Silica Fume Using Fiber-Optic Sensor by P.L. Ng, H.H.C. Wong, I.Y.T. Ng, and A.K.H. Kwan

SP-242—18: Synthetic Glass Models for Investigating Fly Ash Reactivity

by W. Bumrongjaroen, S. Swatekititham, R.A. Livingston, and J. Schweitzer

SP-242—19: Fly Ash-Silica Fume-Cement Paste-Kinetics of Hydration

by W. Nocuń-Wczelik

SP-242—20: Characterizing Cement Pastes Incorporating Two High Silica Fine Materials Using Electrical Impedance by N. Schwarz, M. DuBois, and N. Neithalath

SP-242—21: Mitigation of ASR Expansion by Biomass/Coal Fly Ash and the

Underlying Mechanism by Pore Solution Chemistry by S. Wang, S. Bragonje, J. Tullis, R. Dalton, and L. Baxter

SP-242—22: Suppressing Effect of Fly Ash Composition on Expansion of Mortar Due to Alkali-Silica Reaction by Y. Kawabata and H. Matsushita

SP-242—23: Compa

y B. Ahmadi, H. Layssi, M. Shekarchi, and J.E. Nejad

SP-242—24: Mechanical Properties and Durability Characteristics of High-Volume Fly Ash Concrete Made with Ordinary Portland Cement and Blended Portland Fly Ash Cement by N. Bouzoubaâ, A. Bilodeau, V. Sivasundaram, and A.K. Chakraborty

SP-242—25: Fracture Toughness of Cement Mortar Containing High Volume Fly Ash by S.F.U. Ahmed and M. Maalej

SP-242—26: Lightweight Aggregate Fines as Pozzolanic Additive for High-

Performance Concrete by P.A. Dahl, H. Justnes, G. Norden, and O. Hyrve

SP-242—27: Physical Properties of CLSM Using High Volumes of Incineration Ash from Sewage Sludge by T. Horiguchi, T. Kikuchi, Y. Nakagawa, and K. Shimura

SP-242—28: Composition of C-S-H in the Hydration Products of Fly Ash-Cement System by P. Termkhajornkit and T. Nawa

SP-242—29: The Influence of Mineral Admixtures on Rheology of Superplasticized Fresh Mortars by J. Gołaszewski

SP-242—30: Alkali-Activated Slag Concrete—Development for Practical Use

by V. Bilek, M. Urbanova, J. Brus, and D. Kolousek

SP-242—31: Two-Stage Processing to Promote the Use of the Reject Coarse

Fraction of Fly Ash into Blended Cement by S.K. Antiohos, G. Tzouvalas, and S. Tsimas

SP-242—32: Pore Structure and Strength Prediction of Fly Ash Concrete

by A.-S. Cheng, T. Yen, Y.-N. Sheen, and K.C. Jane

SP-242—33: Increasing Packing Density Through Blending Cement, Fly Ash, and Silica Fume to Improve Cement Paste Rheology by H.H.C. Wong, I.Y.T. Ng, P.L. Ng, and A.K.H. Kwan

SP-242—34: Use of Waste Bricks and Tiles as a Pozzolan-Like Material in

Concrete by H.-S. Peng, H.-J. Chen, C.-W. Tang, and H.H. Pan

SP-242—35: Performance of a Mexican ASTM Class F Fly Ash in Studies Dealing with Concrete Durability by R.E. Rodríguez Camacho, B. Martínez-Sánchez, J.J. Flores Martínez, R.U. Afif, and H.J. Montaño Román

SP-242—36: Evaluation of Transport Properties of Ternary (OPC/FA/SF) Concrete Mixtures Using Migration and Absorption-Type Tests

by M. Radlinski, J. Olek, and T.E. Nantung

SP-242—37: The Influence of Lightweight Aggregates Additions in Concrete

Mixtures Containing Alkali-Aggregate Reactive Normalweight Aggregate

by T.W. Bremner, S.R. Boyd, T.A. Holm, and J.P. Ries

SP-242—38: Sulfate Resistance of Mortars Made from Cements Containing

Fluidized-Bed Coal Combustion Wastes by Z. Pytel

SP-242—39: Properties of Two- and Three-Component Blended Cements with

Different Types of Fly Ashes By J. Małolepszy, M. Gawlicki, and R. Mróz


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