SP-272: Antoine E. Naaman Symposium - Four Decades of Progress in Prestressed Concrete, FRC, and Thin Laminate Composite

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Note: The individual papers are also available as .pdf downloads. Please click on the following link to view the papers available, or call 248.848.3800 to order.


Editors: Gustavo J. Parra-Montesinos & Perumalsamy Balaguru

Sponsored by: ACI Committees 544, 549, and 423


This Symposium Publication contains 14 papers that were presented at technical sessions sponsored by ACI Committees 544 and 549, and Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 423 at the 2008 ACI Spring Convention in Los Angeles, CA. Topics covered in these papers include development, mechanical behavior, modeling and structural applications of fiber- reinforced concrete and thin laminate composites; repair and rehabilitation of reinforced and prestressed concrete members; and new developments in prestressed concrete bridges.


Document Details

Publication Year: 2010

Pages: 290

ISBN: 9780870313905

Categories: Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents


Four Decades of Progress: Personal Perspective.

by A.E. Naaman


Innovative Technologies for Prestressed Concrete Bridges in Japan

by H. Mutsuyoshi and H. Minh


Direct Method for Strengthening Continuous RC Beams with External Tendons

by K.H. Tan and D. Kong


Test on Prestressed Concrete Beam with AFRP Spiral Confinement and External Aramid Tendons

by C.J. Burgoyne and H.Y. Leung


Analysis and Design Recommendations of FRP-Strengthened Prestressed Concrete Beams

by J. Giancaspro, P. Balaguru, and C.G. Papakonstantinou


Recent Research on Self-Consolidating Steel Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

by S.P. Shah, L. Ferrara, and S.H. Kwon


Effect of Matrix Strength on Pullout Behavior of High-Strength

Deformed Steel Fibers

by D. Joo Kim, S. El-Tawil, and A.E. Naaman


Local Bond Stress-Slip Models for Reinforcing Bars and Prestressing Strands in High-Peformance Fiber-Reinforced Cement Composites

by S.-H. Chao, A.E. Naaman, and G.J. Parra-Montesinos


Flexural Analysis and Design of Strain Softening Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

by C. Soranakom and B. Mobasher


Strength Degradation of Fiber-Reinforced Cement Composites Exposed to Simulated Environments

by J.-W. Nam, M.P. Abell, Y.M. Lim, and J.E. Bolander


Seismic Detailing and Behavior of Coupling Beams with High-Peformance Fiber-Reinforced Concrete.

by R. Lequesne, M. Setkit, G.J. Parra-Montesinos, and J.K. Wight


Cyclic Response of Rectangular RC Columns with Bond-Damaged Zones Repaired Using Steel or CFRP Confinement.

by M.H. Harajli, F.K. Dagher, and A.M. ElSouri


Near Surface Mounted Shear Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams

by K.N. Rahal


Cellulose Fiber Gypsum Boards and Wall Panels under Cyclic Loading

by H.W. Reinhardt and S. Aicher


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