SP-275: Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures 10th International Symposium

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Editors: Rajan Sen, Rudolf Seracino, Carol Shield, Will Gold

Sponsored by Committee 440


This SP contains 72 papers from the 10th International Symposium held in Tampa, FL. The papers address internally reinforced members, strengthening of columns, material characterization, bond, emerging fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) systems, shear strengthening, fatigue and anchorage systems, masonry, extreme events, applications, durability, and strengthening. The papers emphasize the experimental, analytical, and numerical validations of using FRP composites and are aimed at providing insights needed for improving existing guidelines. The increasing maturity and acceptance of FRP is reflected by several papers that provide background information on the recent design codes and guidelines relating to blast and seismic repair. New frontiers of FRP research are explored, addressing emergin materials, and systems and applications for extreme events, such as fires and earthquakes, which will further consolidate FRP’s preeminent position.


Document Details

Publication Year: 2011


Categories: Fiber-Reinforced Concrete

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Internal FRP Reinforced Concrete Structures

SP-275-01: On the history and reliability of the flexural strength of FRP reinforced concrete members in ACI 440.1R

by C.K. Shield, T.V. Galambos, and P. Gulbrandsen

SP-275-02: Shear capacity of concrete beams with FRP reinforcement

by J. Hegger and M. Kurth

SP-275-03: Designing FRP reinforced concrete for deflection control

by S. Veysey and P. H. Bischoff

SP-275-04: Flexural strength and deflection characteristics of high-strength concrete beams with hybrid FRP and steel bar reinforcement

by Y. Yoon, J. Yang, K. Min, and H. Shin

SP-275-05: Static testing of full-scale concrete bridge barriers reinforced with GFRP bars

by E.A. Ahmed, and B. Benmokrane

SP-275-06: Development length of carbon fiber reinforced polymer bars in concrete

by S. Krem, and K. Soudki

Chapter 2 - Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Columns

SP-275-07: Investigation of bar buckling in columns confined with composite material jackets

by D.A. Bournas, and T. C. Triantafillou

SP-275-08: Confinement model for capsule-shaped concrete columns

by K. H. Tan, and T. Bhowmik

SP-275-09: Strain development and hoop strain efficiency in FRP confined square columns

by J. Barrington, D. Dickson, L. Bisby, and T. Stratford

SP-275-10: Volumetric response of FRP-confined full-scale RC columns

by A. De Luca, F. Nardone, F. Matta, G. P. Lignola, A. Prota, and A. Nanni

SP-275-11: Behavior of concrete piles confined with CFRP grid

by L. Ding, H. M. Seliem, S. H. Rizkalla, G. Wu, and Z. Wu

SP-275-12: An ultimate drift based design method for FRP retrofitted RC columns

by O. Özcan, B. Binici, and G. Özcebe

Chapter 3 - Characterization of FRP Materials and Systems

SP-275-13: Experimental investigation of HFRP composite beams

by H. Mutsuyoshi, N. D. Hai, K. Shiroki , T. Aravinthan and A. Manalo

SP-275-14: Non-contact measuring techniques to characterize deformation on FRP U-wrap anchors

by J. Lee, and M.M. Lopez

SP-275-15: Preliminary evaluation of slurry waterproofing materials on FRP durability

by K. J. Von Feldt and C. W. Dolan

SP-275-16: Discrete fiber reinforced polymer systems for repair of concrete structures: polyurea-fiber characterization results

by N.L. Carey and J. J. Myers

SP-275-17: Grancrete for flexural strengthening of concrete structures

by A. J. Obregon-Salinas, S.H. Rizkalla, and P. Zia

SP-275-18: Characterization of FRP as an oxygen barrier

by C. Khoe, R. Sen, and V. Bhethanabotla

Chapter 4 - Bond of FRP-to-Concrete Systems

SP-275-19: Modeling of CFRP-concrete interface subjected to coupled pull-out and push-off actions

by T. Mohammadi, B. Wan, and J.Dai

SP-275-20: Differences between FRP bond behavior in cracked and uncracked regions

by M. T. Khorramabadi, and C. J. Burgoyne

SP-275-21: A solution for intermediate crack-induced debonding in plated beams

by V. Narayanamurthy, J. Chen, and J. Cairns

SP-275-22: Influence of the curvature on the bond force transfer of EBR

by W. Finckh, and K. Zilch

SP-275-23: Bond-slip relationship for externally-bonded FRP with limited bond length

by Y. Zhou, Y. Wu, Y. Yun, L. Sui, and F. Xing

SP-275-24: Bond tests on concrete elements strengthened with EBR and NSM FRP systems

by A. Bilotta, F. Ceroni, M. Di Ludovico, E. Nigro, M. Pecce, and G. Manfredi

Chapter 5 - Emerging FRP-Concrete Systems

SP-275-25: Innovative reinforcement for fabric formed concrete structures

by J.J. Orr, A.P. Darby, T.J. Ibell, and M.C. Evernden

SP-275-26: Safety-enhancement of RC bridge frame columns using bond-based damage-controllable steel basalt-fiber composite bars

by M.F.M. Fahmy, Z.S. Wu, and G. Wu

SP-275-27: Design by testing of debonding load in RC elements strengthened with EBR FRP materials

by A. Bilotta, F. Ceroni, E. Nigro, and M. Pecce

SP-275-28: Load-bearing behavior of pedestrian bridge made of textile reinforced concrete

by J. Hegger, C. Goralski and C. Kulas

SP-275-29: Lightweight concrete bridge deck precast panels reinforced with GFRP bars

by R. Liu, C.P. Pantelides, L.D. Reaveley, and B.T. Besser

SP-275-30: Advances in corrosion repair of piles using FRP

by R. Sen, G. Mullins, J. Aguilar, and D. Winters

Chapter 6 - FRP Shear Strengthening of RC Beams

SP-275-31: Analysis of CFRP strap-strengthened reinforced concrete beams using the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT)

by H.D. Yapa, and J. M. Lees

SP-275-32: Shear strengthening of RC beams with EB FRP: evolutive model versus code

by A. Mofidi, and O. Chaallal

SP-275-33: Shear strength of lightweight reinforced concrete beams strengthened with CFRP strips

by R. Alrousan, M. A. Issa, T. Ovitigala, and M.A. Issa

SP-275-34: Parametric studies of the NSM FRP strips shear strength contribution to a RC beams

by V. Bianco, J.A.O. Barros, G. Monti

SP-275-35: Parametric study of web bonded CFRP shear reinforcement effects on internal steel stresses

by A.S. Larkin, J. Tatar, and C.W. Dolan

SP-275-36: Shear strengthening RC T-beams using CFRP laminates and anchors

by Y. Kim, K.T. Quinn, C.N. Satrom, W.M. Ghannoum, and J.O. Jirsa

Chapter 7 - Fatigue Performance and Anchorage of FRP Systems

SP-275-37: Evaluation of empirical fatigue prediction models for FRP-strengthened RC beams

by K. Gordon, and L. Cheng

SP-275-38: Fatigue strength prediction of RC beams strengthened in flexure using prestressed NSM CFRP strips

by F. Oudah, and R. El-Hacha

SP-275-39: Creep behavior and tensile properties of GFRP bars under sustained service loads

by T. Youssef, and B. Benmokrane

SP-275-40: Quality control test for Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) anchors for rehabilitation

by G.D. Huaco, J.O. Jirsa, and O. Bayrak

SP-275-41: An experimental study on improving anchor performance for CFRP tendons

by W.T. Jung, Y.H. Park, and J.S. Park

SP-275-42: Investigation of efficient anchorage systems for shear and torsion retrofitting of box girder bridges

by R. Kalfat, R. Al-Mahaidi, and G. Williams

Chapter 8 - FRP Strengthening of Masonry Structures

SP-275-43: Behavior of FRP strengthened large-scale masonry walls

by A. Sayari, T. Donchev, and M. Limbachiya

SP-275-44: Masonry walls strengthened with innovative composites

by A. Balsamo, M. Di Ludovico, A. Prota, and G. Manfredi

SP-275-45: Design guidance for blast resistant reinforced concrete and masonry components retrofitted with FRP

by C.J. Oswald, K. El-Domiaty, and M. Bazan

SP-275-46: ACI design guide for flexural and shear strengthening of URM walls with FRP systems

by J.G. Tumialan, W.J. Gold, N. Galati, and A. Prota

SP-275-47: Recent revisions to acceptance criteria for concrete and masonry strengthening using externally bonded FRP systems (AC125)

by S. Rocca, M. Ekenel, N. Galati, B. Gerber, and T. Alkhrdaji

SP-275-48: Experimental studies of mechanically-fastened FRP systems: state-of-the-art

by V.L. Brown, L.C. Bank, D. Arora, D. T. Borowicz, A. Godat, A.J. Lamanna, J. Lee, F. Matta, A. Napoli, and K.H. Tan

Chapter 9 - Performance of FRP Systems Subject to Extreme Events

SP-275-49: FRP versus fiber reinforced cementitious mortar systems at elevated temperature

by L. Bisby, T. Stratford, J. Smith, and S. Halpin

SP-275-50: Tests at high temperatures on concrete slabs reinforced with bent FRP bars

by E. Nigro, G. Cefarelli. A. Bilotta, G. Manfredi, and E. Cosenza

SP-275-51: Fire testing of RC beams strengthened with NSM reinforcement

by A. Palmieri, S. Matthys, and L. Taerwe

SP-275-52: Influence of high temperature on bond between NSM FRP bars/strips and concrete

by A. Palmieri, S. Matthys, and L. Taerwe

SP-275-53: Seismic retrofitting of RC shear wall with external bonded CFRP

by S. Qazi, E. Ferrier, L. Michel, and P. Hamelin

SP-275-54: The effect of previous damage on the effectiveness of FRP-jacketing for seismic repairs of RC structural members

by G.E. Thermou, S.P. Tastani, and S.J. Pantazopoulou

Chapter 10 - Applications of FRP Systems in Reinforced Concrete

SP-275-55: Permanent participating FRP formwork for concrete floor slabs

by X. Gai, A. Darby, T. Ibell, and M. Evernden

SP-275-56: Influence of connection detailing on the strength of concrete-filled FRP tubes under bending and shear

by S. Zakaib, P. Sadeghian, and A. Fam

SP-275-57: Parametric analysis and experimental study on concrete columns reinforced by steel-BFRP composite bar

by Z.Y. Sun, G. Wu, Z.S. Wu, and J.B. Hao

SP-275-58: Axial behavior of slender-concrete-filled FRP-tube columns reinforced with steel and carbon FRP bars

by R. Masmoudi, and H. Mohamed

SP-275-59: Flexural behavior of GFRP-RC slabs post-tensioned with CFRP tendons

by M. Noël, K. Soudki, and A. El-Sayed

SP-275-60: Prestressed concrete girder repair with CFRP post-tensioned rods

by C.A. Burningham, C.P. Pantelides, and L.D. Reaveley

Chapter 11 - Durability of FRP Systems

SP-275-61: Durability study of GFRPP rebar in alkali, acid and salt solution

by C. Wang, G. Xian, and J. Ou

SP-275-62: Effect of severe environmental and loading conditions on GFRP-RC bridge deck slabs

by A. El-Ragaby, and E.F. El-Salakawy

SP-275-63: Effects of freeze-thaw cycling and sustained load on FRP-concrete interface

by J. Shi, H. Zhu, Z. Wu, and G. Wu

SP-275-64: Durability design approach for GFRP bar Reinforced Concrete (RC) members

by J. Huang, and R. Aboutaha

SP-275-65: Evaluation of time and temperature dependent deformation of FRP bonded to concrete

by Y. Jeong, A. Jaipuriar, M.M. Lopez, and C.E. Bakis

SP-275-66: Testing protocol for bonded CFRP durability

by H.R. Hamilton, C.W. Dolan, J.E. Tanner, and E.P. Douglas

Chapter 12 - FRP Strengthening of Concrete Structures

SP-275-67: Flexural behavior of mechanically-fastened FRP-strengthened concrete members

by V.L. Brown, A. Dinh and G. Iacono

SP-275-68: Strength and deflection enhancement of RC slabs with anchored FRP strengthening

by S.T. Smith, S. Hu, S. J. Kim, and R. Seracino

SP-275-69: Tension and compression strengthening of RC members by CFRP composite fabrics

by C.T. Hsu, and W. Punurai

SP-275-70: Experimental and numerical analysis of RC two-span slabs strengthened with NSM CFRP laminates

by G. Dalfré, and J.A.O. Barros

SP-275-71: NSM FRP strips shear strength contribution to a RC beam: a design procedure

by V. Bianco, G. Monti, and J.A.O. Barros

SP-275-72: The west gate bridge: strengthening of a 20th century bridge for 21st century loading

by G. Williams, R. Al-Mahaidi, and R. Kalfat


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