SP-316: Design and Performance of Concrete Bridges and Buildings

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Editor: Yail J. Kim and Nien-Yin Chang


Soil-structure interaction has been of interest over several decades; however, many challenging issues remain. Because all structural systems are founded on soil strata, transient and long-term foundation displacements, particularly differential settlement, can severely influence the behavior of structural members in buildings and bridges. This is particularly important when a structure is constructed in earthquake-prone areas or unstable soil regions. Adequate subsurface investigation, design, and construction methods are required to avoid various damage types from structural and architectural perspectives. Typical research approaches include laboratory testing and numerical modeling. The results of on-site examinations are often reported. Recent advances in the-state-of-the-art of soil-structure interaction contribute to accomplishing the safe, reliable, and affordable performance of concrete structures. This Special Publication (SP) encompasses nine papers selected from two technical sessions held in the ACI Fall convention at Denver, CO, in Nov. 2015. All manuscripts submitted are reviewed by at least two experts in accordance with the ACI publication policy. The Editors wish to thank all contributing authors and anonymous reviewers for their rigorous efforts. The Editors also gratefully acknowledge Ms. Barbara Coleman at ACI for her knowledgeable guidance.


Document Details

Publication Year: 2017

Pages: 176

ISBN: 9781945487583

Categories: Bridges, Foundations

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents


Earthquake-Induced SSI Effects on High Rise Buildings

Authors: Nien-Yin Chang and Hien Manh Nghiem


Vibration Analysis for Dynamic Machine Foundation Using the

Rapid Load Test of Pile

Authors: Yohei Tanaka, Keisuke Matsukawa, Naoya Kishi, and Genki Seo


A Tale of Two Buildings: Case Studies of Underpinning by

Compaction Grouting

Authors: Frederick R. Rutz, Jennifer Harris, and James Robert Harris


Soil Structure Interaction under Semi Static Loads in an Integral

Abutment Bridge

Authors: Miguel Muñoz, Bruno Briseghella, and Junquing Xue


Probabilistic Structural Performance Evaluation of Concrete Slab Bridge

System subjected to Scour and Earthquake

Authors: Eduardo Torres, Junwon Seo, and Luke Rogers


Frequency Dependent Effects of Soil-Structure Interaction on Inelastic

Behavior of Superstructures

Authors: R. Gash, E. Esmaeilzadeh Seylabi, and E. Taciroglu


Identification of Soil-Foundation Dynamic Stiffness from Seismic

Response Signals

Authors: E. Taciroglu and S.F. Ghahari


Performance of a Bridge Abutment on Mechanically Stabilized Backfill

Authors: Nien-Yin Chang, Zeh Zon Lee, Hien M. Nghiem, Shing C. Wang,

Yail J. Kim, and Aziz Khan


Tiger Cage for Abutment/Retaining Wall and MSB

Interaction Experiments

Authors: Brian Volmer, Nien-Yin Chang, and Jungang Liu


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