SP-348: Foundations for Dynamic Equipment

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Sponsors: Sponsored by ACI Committee 351

Editors: Carl A. Nelson



This special publication grew out of the Technical Session entitled “Application of ACI 351-C Report on Dynamic Foundations,” held at the ACI Spring 2019 Convention in Québec City, Québec. Following this event, Committee 351 decided to undertake a special publication with contributions from those session participants willing to develop their presentations into full-length papers. Three papers included in the current publication were contributed by these presenters and their coauthors, with six additional papers provided by others. All but one of the papers deal with the subject matter of ACI 351.3—Foundations for Dynamic Equipment—updated in 2018. The one exception (the paper of Wang and Fang on wind turbine foundations) provides valuable information to engineers dealing with a lack of consistent design criteria among various codes for reinforced concrete foundations subjected to high-cycle fatigue loads.

I would like to thank the members of ACI Committee 351 for their support, in particular the current main Committee and Subcommittee C Chairpersons Susan Isble and Dr. Mukti L. Das, respectively. I also wish to express my gratitude to the authors for their perseverance through the difficult circumstances of 2020, and to the reviewers who generously contributed their time and expertise to this publication.

Last, but not least, I want to thank my wife Cindy for tolerating me (and the growing piles of paper) over the past several months as the deadline approached.

Carl A. Nelson

On behalf of ACI Committee 351

Minneapolis, December 2020


Document Details

Pages: 166

ISBN: 9781641951357

Categories: Foundations

Formats: Protected PDF/Web View

Table of Contents


Predicting Near and Far Field Ground Vibrations for Equipment Foundations

Authors: David L. Pederson, Anthony J. Baxter and Carl A. Nelson



Innovative Retrofit of a Steam Turbine Generator Foundation to Mitigate Settlement

Authors: Hongchun Liu, Jaspal S. Saini, Gang Zhao, Sushil Chauhan, Namgyu Park, Mahi Galagoda and Steven Wu



Comparison of Several Methodologies Used for Designing Tabletop Foundations

Author: Mukti Lal Das



Analysis of an Existing Compressor Foundation with Excessive Local Vibration

Authors: O.S. Ali Ahmed and Damon Reigles



Efficiency of Pile Groups Under Dynamic Loads

Author: O.S. Ali Ahmed



Design of a Spring Isolated Steam Turbine on an Existing Foundation

Authors: Philip (Ping) Jiang and Ron McDonel



Elevated Foundations for Rotating Machines for High-Speed Balancing Facilities

Authors: Pericles C. Stivaros and Pablo A. Bruno



Notional Piles for Generalized Foundation Modeling Based on the Novak Procedure

Authors: Tim Hogue, David Kerins and Matthew Brightman



Comparison of Fatigue Design Code Requirements for Wind Turbine Foundations

Authors: Xuan Wang and Shu-jin Fang



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