SP-079: Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag and Other Mineral By-Products in Concrete

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It's a virtual encyclopedia of what mineral by-products do to concrete--and why. 1196 pages of essential information in 62 clearly defined, easy reference chapters. Key subjects include: effects on durability, fiber reinforced concrete, fly ash, pozzolans, sulfate resistance and concrete workability. With the rapidly increasing usage of by-product additives in concrete, every designer and builder needs the answers which these volumes provide.


Document Details

Publication Year: 1983


Categories: Fly Ash, Silica Fume, Slag

Formats: PDF

Table of Contents

- Pozzolanic and Cementitious Byproducts as Mineral

Admixtures for--A Critical Review, by P. Kumar Mehta

- Twenty-Five Years' Experience Using Fly Ash in Concrete,

by Joseph F. Lamond

- Durability of Fly Ash Concrete, by Val R. Sturrup, R. Doug

Hooton, and T.Gerry Clendenning

- Shrinkage and Creep of Mass Concrete Containing Fly Ash,

by Takeshi Yamato and Hideaki Sugita

- Effect of Fly Ash on the Air-Void Stability of Concrete, by

Steven Gebler and Paul Klieger

- The Use of Fly Ash in Concrete--Australian Experience, by

A. Samarin, R. L. Munn, and J. B. Ashby

- Studies into the Use of Fly Ash in Concrete for Water Dam

Structures, by Veljko Korac and Velimir Ukraincik

- Review of International Specifications for Use of Fly Ash in

Portland Cement Concrete, by Oscar E. Manz

- Review of Specifications for Additions for Use in Concrete,

by Eddie Rossouw and Japie Kruger

- Pozzolanic Property of Natural and Synthetic Pozzolans:

A Comparative Study, by S. Chatterji, Mario Collepardi, and

Giacomo Moriconi

- Some Properties of Pozzolanic Cements Containing Fly Ashes,

by U. Costa and F. Massazza

- Cements Users' Expectations with Regard to Blended Cements,

by Bryant Mather

- Mix Proportioning of Concrete with PFA: A Critical Review, by

John G. L. Munday, Lean T. Ong, and Ravindra K. Dhir

- Influence of Fly Ash Upon the Workability and Early Strength of

Concrete, by D. W. Hobbs

- Study of a Class C Fly Ash Concrete, by Robert L. Yuan and

James E. Cook

- High Lime Fly Ash as a Cementing Agent, by Michael G.

Sullentrup and James W. Baldwin, Jr.

- Carbonation of Concrete Incorporating Fly Ash or a Chemical

Admixture, by D.W.S. Ho and R. K. Lewis

- Roller Compacted High Fly Ash Concrete (Geocrete), by

R. C. Joshi and G. S. Natt

- Studies on the Desiccation and Carbonation of Systems

Containing Portland Cement and Fly Ash, by F. G. Buttler,

M. H. Decter, and G. R. Smith

- Properties of Concrete Made with Sulfate Resisting Cement

and Fly Ash, by Karim W. Nasser and H. M. Marzouk

- Microstructures and Properties of Granulated Slag-Portland

Cement Blends at Normal and Elevated Temperatures, by

D. M. Roy and K. M. Parker

- Significance of Porosity Measurements on Blended Cement

Performance, by R. F. Feldman

- Air Permeability and Carbonation of Blended Cement Mortars,

by Yoshio Kasai, I. Matsui, Y. Fukushima, and H. Kamohara

- Comparison of the Resistance to Sulfate Solutions and to Sea

Water of Different Portland Cements With or Without Secondary

Constituents, by Robert Guyot, Roger Ranc, and Andre Varizat

- Road-Building Concretes Incorporating Fly-Ash or Slag, by

G. Bordonado and J. L. Nissoux

- Fly Ash Aggregates, by J. Bijen

- Effects of Admixtures on Portland Cement Concretes

Incorporating Blast Furnace Slag and Fly Ash, by Noel P.

Mailvaganam, R. S. Bhagrath, and K. L. Shaw

- Strength of Concrete Containing Secondary Cementing Materials,

by Birger Warris

- Engineering Properties of Concrete Composite Materials

Incorporating Fly Ash and Steel Fibers, by R. N. Swamy, S.

A. R. Ali, and D. D.Theodorakopoulos

- Permeability of Blended Cement Concretes, by Robert

F. M. Bakker

- The Mechanical Properties of Polymer Modified OFC/ PFA Pastes,

by H. Olmez, D. Dollimore, G. A. Gamlen, and R. J. Mangabhai

- Use of Silica Fume in Concrete, by P. Jahren

- Mechanism of Hydration of Condensed Silica Fume in

Calcium Hydroxide Solutions, by Michael W. Grutzeck, Scott

Atkinson, and Della M. Roy

- Influence of Condensed Silica Fume and Fly Ash on the Heat

Evolution in Cement Pastes, by I. Meland

- Condensed Silica Fume (Microsilica) in Concrete: Water

Demand and Strength Development, by E. J. Sellevold and

F. F. Radjy

- Durability of Concrete Containing Condensed Silica Fume,

by Odd. E. Gjorv

- Freezing and Thawing Resistance of Condensed Silica Fume

(Microsilica) Concrete Exposed to Deicing Chemicals, by

Eigil V. Sorensen

- Silica Concrete Protection Against Corrosion of Embedded

Steel, by Oystein Vennesland and Odd E. Gjorv

- High Strength Lightweight Concrete With Condensed Silica

Fume, by Theodor A. Burge

- Development of a Low Heat of Hydration Blended Cement, by

S. Lessard, P. C. Aitcin, and Micheline Regourd

- Early-Age Strength Development of Concrete Incorporating

Fly Ash and Condensed Silica Fume, by G. Carette and

V. M. Malhotra

- Electrochemical Behaviour of Steel Dense Silica-Cement Mortar,

by Carolyn M. Preece, Hans Arup, and Thomas Frolund

- Performance Characteristics of Fiber Reinforced Condensed

Silica Fume Concretes, by V. Ramakrishnan and V. Srinivasan

- Ready-Mixed Concrete Incorporating Condensed Silica Fume,

by J. I. Skrastins and N. G. Zoldners

- Properties and Behaviour of Lime-Rice Husk Ash Cements, by

David J. Cook and P. Suwanvitaya

- Use of Condensed Silica Fume as Filler in Blended Cements,

by M. Regourd, B. Mortureux, and H. Hornain

- Production of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag at Sparrows Point,

and the Workability and Strength Potential of Concrete

Incorporating the Slag, by J.W. Meusel and J. H. Rose

- Strength and Durability Characteristics of Concrete Incorporating

a Pelletized Blast Furnace Slag, by V. M. Malhotra

- Freezing-Thaw Resistance of Concrete Containing Blast-Furnace

Slag, Fly Ash or Condensed Silica Fume, by Jorma Virtanen

- Glass Content Determination and Strength Development

Predictions for Vitrified Blast Furnace Slag, by R. Doug Hooton

and John J. Emery

- Structure of Hydrated Glassy Blastfurnace Slag in Concrete, by

Hirobumi Tanaka, Yoichi Totani, and Yutaka Saito

- Freezing and Thawing Durability of Three Cements With Various

Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Contents, by Michel Pigeon and

Micheline Regourd

- Resistance to Freezing and Thawing of Concrete Using Ground

Blast-Furnace Slag, by Jiro Murata, Michio Kawaski,

Takeshi Sakai, Tadashi Kawai

- Strength and Durability of Slag-Gypsum Cement Concrete, by

Taketo Uomoto and Kazusuke Kobayashi

- Effect of the Blastfurnace Slag content on the Frost Resistance

of Neo-ferrite Cement Mortar, by Kazunobu Hirai

- Activation of Blast Furnace Slag by Some Inorganic Materials,

by J. Metso and E. Kajaus

- Relation Between Hydration of Slag Sand and Mechanical

Properties of Concrete, by Shigeyoshi Nagataki, Makoto Takada,

and Etsuro Sakai

- Characterization of a Copper Slag Used in Mine Fill Operations,

by H. Roper, F. Kam, and G. J. Auld

- Use of Blast Furnace Slag as Mining Fill, by J. Metso, S. Makinen,

and E. Kajaus

- Applicability of Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag as a Concrete

Aggregate, by Mitsunori Kawamura, Kazuyuki Torii,

Shigemasa Hasaba, Nobuhiro Nicho, and Kiyotoshi Oda

- Pumpability of Blast-Furnace Slag Aggregate Concrete, by

Hideo Kasami, Tadashi Ikeda, Shinichi Numata, and Hisamitsu


- Use of Fly Ash, Blast-Furnace Slag and Condensed Silica Fume

for Concrete Block Stripped Immediately After Molding, by

Kiyoshi Kohno, Katsunori Horii, and Hiroo Fukushima


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