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Technical Questions

ACI Committees, Membership, and Staff have answered common questions on a variety of concrete related topics.

Question: Curing and curling of concrete slabs over vapor retarders

Question: Estimating in-place concrete strength

Question: Why are many non-destructive tests used as “estimators” of concrete strength?

Question: Low-strength cylinder test results

Question: How is the required strength selected, measured, and obtained?

Question: Using core strength to calculate compressive strength of an existing structure

Question: Standards for 7-day and 28-day strength test results

Question: Strength of concrete

Question: What test conditions affect the results of compressive strength tests of concrete?

Question: Curing Cylinders for Acceptance Testing

Question: The effect of maximum size of aggregate on concrete strength

Question: Mixture design and strength submittals

Question: Will the use of fibers impact the compressive strength of the concrete?

Question: Characteristics of cement that affect compressive strength

Question: The effect of surface texture and cleanness on concrete strength

Question: What is the effect of freezing on concrete?

Question: Are there data relating w/cm to flexural strength that are as reliable as those for compressive ...

Question: How are properties of concrete in the structure measured?

Question: Using cube tests in lieu of cylinder tests

Question: Protecting concrete from cycles of freezing and thawing

Question: Other important properties of concrete

Question: The importance of reinforcement in concrete

Question: The most important single factor affecting compressive strength

Question: Curling, shrinkage, and w/cm

Question: The effect of pozzolans on freezing and thawing resistance

Question: Definition of controlled low-strength material (CLSM)

Question: Definition of low-density concrete

Question: Rebound hammer and in-place strength testing

Question: Is pulse velocity related to strength?

Question: Chloride concentration in soil and exposure classes