ACI awards are granted by the Board of Direction on the recommendation of an Awards Committee. The designated recipients of the presentation of corresponding awards are invited to attend either the fall or spring ACI Concrete Convention to receive the awards. Honorary Members are not eligible for Personal Awards.
The Michel Bakhoum International Collaboration Award was established in 2024 and honors the memory of Prof. Michel Bakhoum, ACI Member, and internationally known structural engineer, researcher, and educator. This award was established by the initiative and naming financial support of Rami Awad, Taha Dhaouadi, Mohamed Farouk, Raad Hamood, Dr. Adel Labib, Kačičnik Family, Nadja Kačičnik, Dr. George Morcous, Dr. Sami Rizkalla, Walid Sabbeh, Sherif Younan, Family and Friends of Late Prof. Dr. Michel Bakhoum, and e.Construct, Structural Engineering Consultants, Dubai, Omaha, Orlando, and Raleigh. Contributions from 11 Countries: USA, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, KSA, Kuwait, Morocco, Slovenia, Tunis, United Arab Emirates (UAE).
This award is given for outstanding contribution to international collaborations for the progress of knowledge on reinforced and prestressed concrete and development /application of ACI Codes, Specifications, and Guides worldwide for innovations in design and construction practices of concrete structures. The award need not be presented each year.
Individual(s), research centers (academic research laboratory, experimental or computational) ACI chapter from any country, or engineering firms are eligible to receive this award.
Any ACI member, ACI Chapter or professional society may submit nominations for this award. Self-nominations are not accepted.
When nominating for an ACI Personal Award, the biographical form must be filled out, including the wording for a suggested citation. Access the online Nomination Form. Upon receipt of the above data, it will be forwarded to the ACI Personal Awards Committee for its consideration.
Decisions are made in the spring and presented to the ACI Board of Direction in the summer for approval. Awards are presented to awardees at the fall ACI Concrete Convention. Therefore, all nominations must be submitted by February 15, 2026, to be considered for awards in the fall of 2026.
ACI Awards Coordinator email:
The Walter P. Moore, Jr., Faculty Achievement Award recognizes new faculty members for excellence and innovation in the teaching of concrete design, materials, or construction. The award honors the late Walter P. Moore, Jr., ACI Fellow, former ACI Board member, and a structural engineer and educator in Texas. This award received continued naming financial support from Walter P. Moore in 2023.
- The award nominee shall:
- have taught undergraduate level courses related to concrete structural design, concrete materials, or concrete construction;
- have taught no more than 7 calendar years in ALL faculty positions, with continuous, uninterrupted service. To be eligible for the award in a given year, the nominee must not have begun their faculty status prior to January 1 seven years previous. For example, for the 2009 recipient, the nominee could not have started teaching before January 1, 2002.;
- be an ACI member in good standing;
- have demonstrated evidence of technical competence, high character, integrity, and other evidence of merit, which, in the judgment of the award committee, shall have advanced ACI's and the award's purposes.
Nominations may be submitted by an ACI member, an ACI Student Chapter, or the nominee's Department Head. Self-nominations will not be considered.
The nominator will submit to ACI headquarters a Letter of Recommendation emphasizing the innovative and meritorious teaching techniques and accomplishments of the nominee.
- In addition to the Letter of Recommendation, the nominator or nominee must submit the following:
- a one-page description of teaching philosophy and style;
- a curriculum vitae or resume not to exceed ten (10) pages.
Decisions are made in the summer and presented to the ACI Board of Direction in the fall for approval. Awards are presented to awardees at the ACI Concrete Convention the following spring. Therefore, all nominations must be submitted by June 30, 2025, to be considered for awards in 2026.
Please submit nominations and supporting documentation via email to the ACI Awards Coordinator:
Recipients are:
Click here for past awardees
The Michael Thomas Concrete Durability Award was established in 2023 by the Institute in memory of Michael D.A. Thomas, Fellow of the Institute, for his imaginative and outstanding leadership in advancing excellence in concrete durability.
This award is given for outstanding contributions to the advancement of knowledge related to concrete durability. The award need not be presented each year. These outstanding contributions can include:
- Championing improvements to an ACI document or standard related to concrete durability that benefits the industry and make things easier for designers, producers, and contractors to implement.
- Published work that can result in significant improvements to ACI standards related to concrete durability.
- Impacting positive change to concrete durability standards or practices of other organizations, such as ASTM, AASHTO, private and public owners. (Note: these would likely also impact on ACI documents).
Recipients may include current or former students, academics who mentored or followed up on such student research, or industry or government members who championed changes to durability standards. All ACI members, firms, corporations, or organizations are eligible to receive the award. All practitioner persons, firms, and corporations are eligible to receive this award.
When nominating for an ACI Personal Award, the biographical form must be filled out, including the wording for a suggested citation. Access the online Nomination Form. Upon receipt of the above data, it will be forwarded to the ACI Personal Awards Committee for its consideration
Decisions are made in the spring and presented to the ACI Board of Direction in the summer for approval. Awards are presented to awardees at the fall ACI Concrete Convention. Therefore, all nominations must be submitted by February 15, 2026, to be considered for awards in the fall of 2026.
ACI Awards Coordinator email:
Recipients given with year of award presented:
The Henry C. Turner Medal was founded in 1927 by Henry C. Turner, past president of ACI. It is awarded for notable achievements in, or service to, the concrete industry. In making selections for the Turner Medal, the committee is not restricted to members of the Institute nor to the achievements of any particular period. It may be awarded once in any year, but not necessarily in each year.
When nominating for an ACI Personal Award, the biographical form must be filled out, including the wording for a suggested citation. Access the online Nomination Form. Upon receipt of the above data, it will be forwarded to the ACI Personal Awards Committee for its consideration.
Decisions are made in the spring and presented to the ACI Board of Direction in the summer for approval. Awards are presented to awardees at the fall ACI Concrete Convention. Therefore, all nominations must be submitted by February 15, 2026, to be considered for awards in the fall of 2026.
ACI Awards Coordinator email:
Recipients given with year of award presented:
Click here for past awardees
Arturo Gaytan-Covarrubias
Baker Concrete Construction
Concrete Industry Management Program
John T. Wolsiefer and Tony Kojundic
National Ready Mixed Concrete Association
Instituto del Cemento y del Hormigón de Chile
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
The Charles S. Whitney Medal for engineering development was founded in 1961 by Ammann and Whitney, to honor the memory of Charles S. Whitney. It may be bestowed once in any year, but not necessarily each year, for noteworthy engineering development work in concrete design or construction. The recognition may be extended to a firm or agency alone, or to an individual.
Any outstanding engineering development work contributing importantly to the advancement of the sciences or arts of concrete design or construction through development of general engineering practice or through application in specific noteworthy projects, is eligible.
When nominating for an ACI Personal Award, the biographical form must be filled out, including the wording for a suggested citation. Access the online Nomination Form. Upon receipt of the above data, it will be forwarded to the ACI Personal Awards Committee for its consideration.
Decisions are made in the spring and presented to the ACI Board of Direction in the summer for approval. Awards are presented to awardees at the fall ACI Concrete Convention. Therefore, all nominations must be submitted by February 15, 2026, to be considered for awards in the fall of 2026.
ACI Awards Coordinator email:
Recipients given with year of award presented:
National Concrete Pavement Technology Center (CP Tech Center)
Click here for past awardees
Robert L. and Terry L. Bowen Laboratory for Large-Scale Civil Engineering Research
Gary J. Klein, Sami Hanna Rizkalla, Gregory W. Lucier, Paul Zia
Gustavo J. Parra-Montesinos, James K. Wight, Cary Kopczynski
Computers & Structures, Inc.
Baker Concrete Construction, Inc.
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
Granite Construction Company
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
Structural Preservation Systems
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Charles Pankow Builders, Ltd.
Morley Construction Company
The Thornton-Tomasetti Group, Inc.
Walter P. Moore & Associates, Inc.
Construction Technology Laboratories, Inc.
Hibernia Management and Development Company
The Charles Lee Powell Structural Research Laboratories at the University of California, San Diego
Structural Engineering Laboratory, Canterbury University, Christchurch, New Zealand
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
BERGER/ABAM Engineers, Inc.
Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology (CANMET)
The Structural Research Laboratories, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto
The Laboratories at the Department of Structural Engineering, Cornell University
U.S. Naval Engineering Laboratory
Figg and Muller Engineering, Inc.
The Phil M. Ferguson Structural Engineering Laboratory of the University of Texas, Austin
The Center for Building Technology, National Bureau of Standards
Bechtel Power Corporation
Wiss, Janney, Elstner and Associates, Inc.
The Research and Development Division of the Cement and Concrete Association
Concrete Technology Corporation, Tacoma, Washington
Concrete Laboratory, Waterways Experiment Station, Corps of Engineers
Bureau of Reclamation, Engineering Laboratory
The Research and Development Laboratories of the Portland Cement Association
Engineering Materials Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley
Eric L. Erickson and the Bridge Division, U.S. Bureau of Public Roads
Eero Saarinen and associates Kevin Roche, John Dinkeloo, and Joseph Lacy
Ulrich Finsterwalder and the engineering firm of Dykerhoff and Widmann
The Engineering Experiment Station, University of Illinois
The ACI Certification Award was established in 2004 to recognize individuals and organizations who have made notable contributions to the advancement of ACI Certification. Notable contributions may be but are not limited to: involvement in the general areas of developing, maintaining, delivering, promoting, specifying, or enforcing requirements for ACI Certification programs. Nominees need not be ACI members.
The Award, which is the form of a plaque, may be presented to more than one individual or organization per year to a maximum of three (3) recipients, however, the Award need not be presented each year. If an organization is identified as an Award recipient, an appropriate representative will be identified to receive the Award on behalf of the organization.
Nominations may be made by any individual or organization affiliated with ACI or ACI Certification at any level, including ACI Committees, ACI Chapters, Local Sponsoring Group Contacts, or ACI Staff, and must be submitted to ACI Headquarters on the ACI Certification Award nomination form. Self-nominations will not be considered.
Click here to fill out an Online Form. All nominations should be submitted by May 31, 2025, to be considered for awards in 2026.
ACI Awards Coordinator email:
Recipients given with year of award presented:
Lance A. Boyer, Carl L. Cunningham, Scott Hougard
Gareth David and Ramanbhai J. Mangabhai - The Institute of Concrete Technology, Mark E. Dornak, Andrew R. Lawrence
Amanda Angelo & Bryan Angelo, Alen Keri, Jonathan Kuell
Click here for past awardees
Bryan M. Birdwell, Tammy Buck, Rita Madison
Xiomara Sapon-Roldan, Peter Stamatopoulos, Dawn Miller
Mark A. Cheek, J Mitchell Englestead, Janet Owens White
Werner K. Hellmer, Claude E. Jaycox, Christopher J. Robinson
Thomas L. Rozsits, Genaro L. Salinas, Wayne M. Wilson
William R. “Rod” Elderton, Marc Jolin, G. Terry Harris Sr.
Alejandro Durán Herrera, Joe Hug, John R. Wilson
W.L. "Bill" Barringer, Donald Penepent, Luke M. Snell
Frances T. Griffith, David L. Hollingsworth, Jerry Woods
Keith Foster, Wally Rooke, Bruce Suprenant
Casimir J. Bognacki, Jon W. Delony, Butch Wyatt
Khaled Walid Awad, Alfred Kaufman, John J. Schemmel
Vartan Babakhanian, David Darwin, Mario R. Diaz
Merlyn Isaak, John E. McChord, Robert Alfredo Nuñez Moreno
Stephen W. Campbell, William F. Rossi, J. Edward Sauter
Ismael Aviles, Thomas O. Malerk, Ronald E. Vaughn
Merlin J. "Red" Holland, John T. Paxton, William T. Geiger
The ACI Concrete Sustainability Award was established in 2010 to recognize individuals or teams who have made contributions in highlighting concrete’s role related to sustainability. Notable contributions may be: demonstration or improvement in concrete’s sustainable attributes through research, design, education, or construction; and/or the use of concrete in innovative ways to contribute to a more sustainable built environment.
The Award may be presented to more than one individual or team per year; however, the Award need not be presented each year.
Nominations may be submitted by any ACI member or nonmember. Self-nominations are permitted. Nominations will also be encouraged through concrete sustainability-related societies, institutes, agencies, organizations, committees, and task groups.
When nominating for an ACI Personal Award, the biographical form must be filled out, including the wording for a suggested citation. Access the online Nomination Form. Upon receipt of the above data, it will be forwarded to the ACI Personal Awards Committee for its consideration.
Decisions are made in the spring and presented to the ACI Board of Direction in the summer for approval. Awards are presented to awardees at the fall ACI Concrete Convention. Therefore, all nominations must be submitted by February 15, 2026, to be considered for awards in the fall of 2026.
ACI Awards Coordinator email:
Recipients are:
Click here for past awardees
John W. Roberts, Larry Rowland, Alan Sparkman
Koji Sakai and Terence C. Holland
V. Mohan Malhotra and P. Kumar Mehta
The ACI Education Award was established in 2015 to recognize an individual who has made notable contributions to the advancement of initiatives by the ACI Educational Activities Committee (EAC). These initiatives include documents, videos, or other products produced by EAC Committees; seminars; webinars; ACI University courses; and other products and programs developed by EAC or its committees. Notable contributions may be but are not limited to: leadership in the development of products or programs of EAC, significant advancement of or advocacy for the use of EAC products or programs, and contributions to the activities of EAC Committees. Nominations should include the specific product, program, or committee of EAC that the nominee has influenced.
Nominee need not be an ACI member.
The Award, which is in the form of a plaque, may be presented to more than one individual per year to a maximum of two (2) recipients. However, the Award need not be presented each year.
Nominations may be made by any individual or organization affiliated with ACI or ACI Education at any level, including ACI Committees, ACI Chapters, or ACI Staff, and must be submitted to ACI Headquarters on the ACI Education Award nomination form. Self-nominations will not be considered.
Click here to download a Nomination form or
Click here to fill out an online Nomination Form
All nominations must be submitted by February 15, 2026, to be considered for awards in the fall of 2026. ACI Awards Coordinator email:
Recipients are:
Josh Edwards, Kirk McDonald
Click here for past awardees
William E. Rushing Jr., William D. Palmer Jr.
Ramón L. Carrasquillo, Lawrence C. Novak
The ACI Strategic Advancement Award was established in 2014 by the ACI Board of Direction. This Award recognizes individuals or organizations who provide support in the implementation of membership and customer satisfaction; the quality of ACI programs, products, and services; and global credibility and impact.
The Award need not be presented each year. Nominees may be persons, firms, corporations, or organizations affiliated with ACI. Nominations must be submitted by an ACI member or Chapter.
When nominating for an ACI Personal Award, the biographical form must be filled out, including the wording for a suggested citation. Access the online Nomination Form. Upon receipt of the above data, it will be forwarded to the ACI Personal Awards Committee for its consideration.
Decisions are made in the spring and presented to the ACI Board of Direction in the fall for approval. Awards are presented to awardees at the ACI Concrete Convention the following spring. Therefore, all nominations must be submitted by February 15, 2026, to be considered for awards in 2027.
ACI Awards Coordinator email:
Recipients are:
The Institute of Concrete Technology
Click here for past awardees
The ACI Young Member Award for Professional Achievement was established by ACI's Board of Direction in 1997 for the purpose of recognizing the contributions of younger members of the Institute for professional achievement.
Nominees must be ACI members and 35 years of age or less at the time the completed nomination form is received at ACI headquarters. Students are ineligible for consideration of this award. When nominating a person for the award, the biographical form must be filled out, including the wording for a suggested citation, and returned to the ACI Awards Coordinator at
- Nominees will be judged by the degree to which they have attained significant achievement in each of the following areas:
- Active participation at local chapter level.
- Active participation at national/international level.
- Service to the advancement of the industry.
- Examples of Mentoring Students and Young Professionals.
- Other evidence of merit, which in the judgment of the Committee, shall have advanced the Institute's objectives.
Attachments and résumés will not be considered. An ACI member or an ACI chapter may submit nominations; self-nominations will not be considered. Upon receipt of the above data, it will be forwarded to the ACI Young Member Award for Professional Achievement Committee for its consideration.
Click here to download a Nomination form.
Decisions are made in the spring and presented to the ACI Board of Direction at the fall Concrete Convention for approval. Awards are presented to awardees at the ACI Concrete Convention the following spring. Therefore, all nominations must be submitted by February 15, 2026, to be considered for awards in 2027.
ACI Awards Coordinator email:
Recipients given with year of award presented:
Hessam AzariJafari, Mohamed ElBatanouny, Scott Z. Jones
Jovan Tatar, Heather K. Todak, William Squyres
Click here for past awardees
Saman Ali Abdullah, Lisa E. Burris
Ashlee Hossack, Samhar Hoz, Catherine Lucero
Sourabh Surendra Manjrekar, Francisco D. Anguiano Perez
Mehdi Bakhshi, Ann Harrer, Karla Kruse Salahshour
Amir Bonakdar, Dimitri Feys, J. Bret Robertson
Jason Draper, Raissa Douglas Ferron, Rémy D. Lequesne
Zachary C. Grasley, Ishita Manjrekar
Matthew P. Adams, Danielle D. Kleinhans, Bryan M. Birdwell
Stephan A. Durham, Walter H. Flood IV, Jason H. Ideker
Scott R. Cumming, John Kevern, and Kyle A. Riding
Arturo Gaytan Covarrubias, Eric P. Koehler, Aleksandra Radlińska
Rishi Gupta, Devin K. Harris, Anthony J. Lamanna
Maria Juenger, Nakin Suksawang, Jennifer Tanner
Marc Jolin, Karthikeyan H. Obla, Jussara Tanesi
JoAnn Browning, Matthew Offenberg, Michelle Lee Wilson
Lawrence H. Taber, Jason Weiss
Gustavo José Parra-Montesinos
Oguzhan Bayrak, Keith E. Kesner, Kari L. Yuers
Alejandro Durán-Herrera, Andrea J. Schokker
Robert. J. Frosch, Kevin J. Folliard
Kevin A. MacDonald, Rajalingam Valluvan
Debrethann R. Orsak, Jean-Francois Trottier
David B. McDonald, Kelly M. Page, Chetan R. Raikar
The Alfred E. Lindau Award was founded in 1947 by the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute to honor the memory of Alfred E. Lindau, past president of ACI.
The award shall be given only for outstanding contributions to reinforced concrete design practice and is not mandatory each year. Any and all persons, firms, or corporations are eligible to compete for and receive the award.
This award is no longer presented.
Recipients given with year of award presented:
Click here for past awardees
Jose M. Izquierdo-Encarnacion
Colombian Association for Earthquake Engineering (AIS)
Instituto del Cemento y del Hormigón de Chile
Texas Department of Transportation
James R. Clifton, Robert G. Mathey
E. E. Rippstein, J. F. Seifreid
The Cedric Willson Award was established by the Northeast Texas Chapter and approved by the ACI Board of Direction in 1976 in recognition of Cedric Willson's many contributions in the field of lightweight aggregate, lightweight concrete, and lightweight concrete masonry. The award is given for outstanding contributions in the areas of innovative materials and design in lightweight aggregate, lightweight concrete, and lightweight concrete masonry. A person, firm, or organization is eligible for the award. In 2011, the Board approved transference of full support of the award to the Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Institute.
This award is no longer presented.
Recipients given with year of award presented:
Click here for past awardees
The Distinguished Achievement Award was established in 2004 by ACI's Board of Direction. This award recognizes nonmember individuals or associations who have made notable contributions to the advancement of the concrete industry through their support of concrete utilization.
This award is no longer presented.
Recipients given with year of award presented:
Wisconsin Ready Mixed Concrete Association
Castle Rock Construction, Inc.
Concrete Promotional Group, Inc.
Click here for past awardees
Maryland Ready Mix Concrete Association
California Construction and Industrial Materials Association (CalCIMA)
Hensel Phelps Construction Company
Ready Mixed Concrete Association of Ontario
Florida Concrete and Products Association (FC&PA)
Illinois Ready Mixed Concrete Association
Boh Bros. Construction Co., LLC
California Nevada Cement Association
Puerto Rico Ready Mix Concrete Producers Association
Uzun and Case Engineers, LLC
Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association
Carolinas Ready Mixed Concrete Association
Concrete & Aggregates Association of LA