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The ACI Board of Direction will roll out a wholesale update to the Institute's Strategic Plan (SP) prior to the ACI Fall 2013 Convention. This update process has been led by ACI Vice President Bill Rushing. The SP is a collective vision of the direction of the Institute, the issues we must address to get there, and how we will do so. The SP considers not only those things we must continue doing very well but also those new initiatives that need extraordinary attention over the next few years to ensure our continued relevance. Focusing on our preferred future, the SP and the strategic planning process is an antidote to inertia—the natural tendencies to resist change. The ACI Board of Direction, a term aptly chosen by our predecessors, is the steward of the SP and the strategic planning process. Strategic planning is a living process in which every ACI Board has a role—whether it oversees the environmental scan (an examination of our changing world), stimulates input from membership, implements the plan, or evaluates the accomplishments and the relevance of the SP. As such, the ACI Board engaged our Board committees for input to inform the next round of strategic planning during the Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 conventions. Additionally, the Board undertook an environmental scan and participated in a session to discuss the trends identified during the Spring 2013 convention. We considered "glocalism" (the adaptation of a product or service to each location or culture in which it is sold), the collision of the physical and digital world and what that means for our future interactions, and so much more. Following an insightful environmental scanning session, the ACI Board and Board committee Chairs convened for a strategic planning session in June facilitated by Jon Hockman of the d3 Group. Jon took us through an amazing process, challenging us with thought-provoking and often uncomfortable questions (refer to the graphic). The process was difficult at times, but rewarding, and unifying in the end. We look forward to sharing the plan. Anne M. Ellis (@AnneEllis12) American Concrete Institute Back to Memo List
The ACI Board of Direction will roll out a wholesale update to the Institute's Strategic Plan (SP) prior to the ACI Fall 2013 Convention. This update process has been led by ACI Vice President Bill Rushing. The SP is a collective vision of the direction of the Institute, the issues we must address to get there, and how we will do so. The SP considers not only those things we must continue doing very well but also those new initiatives that need extraordinary attention over the next few years to ensure our continued relevance. Focusing on our preferred future, the SP and the strategic planning process is an antidote to inertia—the natural tendencies to resist change.
The ACI Board of Direction, a term aptly chosen by our predecessors, is the steward of the SP and the strategic planning process. Strategic planning is a living process in which every ACI Board has a role—whether it oversees the environmental scan (an examination of our changing world), stimulates input from membership, implements the plan, or evaluates the accomplishments and the relevance of the SP. As such, the ACI Board engaged our Board committees for input to inform the next round of strategic planning during the Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 conventions. Additionally, the Board undertook an environmental scan and participated in a session to discuss the trends identified during the Spring 2013 convention. We considered "glocalism" (the adaptation of a product or service to each location or culture in which it is sold), the collision of the physical and digital world and what that means for our future interactions, and so much more.
Following an insightful environmental scanning session, the ACI Board and Board committee Chairs convened for a strategic planning session in June facilitated by Jon Hockman of the d3 Group. Jon took us through an amazing process, challenging us with thought-provoking and often uncomfortable questions (refer to the graphic). The process was difficult at times, but rewarding, and unifying in the end. We look forward to sharing the plan.
Anne M. Ellis (@AnneEllis12) American Concrete Institute
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