318 Building Code Portal

ACI 318 Building Code Portal

Explore the latest updates and resources for structural concrete design with the newly released ACI CODE 318-25: Building Code for Structural Concrete -- Code Requirements and Commentary

ACI CODE-318-25 remains the definitive resource for the materials, design, and detailing requirements of structural concrete buildings and nonbuilding structures. Developed through an extensive consensus process, the document addresses all major structural systems, including cast-in-place, precast, shotcrete, nonprestressed, prestressed, and composite construction.

ACI CODE-318-25 features significant updates, including a new sustainability appendix, revised requirements for post-installed reinforcing bars, enhanced provisions for shear friction, and advancements in seismic and wind design.

ACI CODE-318-25 is currently available in the digital interactive subscription ACI 318 PLUS. Its digital and print formats will be available in English and inch-pound units, with SI units and additional language editions to follow.

Digital and print formats of ACI 318-19 are currently available in English and inch-pound units. A Spanish edition is also available in digital format. SI units and other languages to follow. Current and historical versions of ACI 318 are included in the online subscription to the ACI Collection of Concrete Codes, Specifications, and Practices.


ACI 318 PLUS is an interactive digital subscription platform that offers users comprehensive access to the latest ACI CODE-318-25 as well as ACI CODE-318-19. Subscribers gain access to the new sustainability appendix, interactive tools to navigate the building code, and extensive digital notes.

The platform also includes the ACI Detailing Manual, the ACI Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook with numerous design examples, and additional features to streamline the application of the Code’s provisions. ACI 318 PLUS ensures subscribers stay up to date with the most advanced and practical resources for structural concrete design and construction.

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318 Building Code Topic Page

Visit the Topics in Concrete - 318 Building Code topic page for a complete listing of all ACI resources on 318 including technical articles, news items, frequently asked questions, online learning and much more.

References in 318

Search for and access many free documents referenced in the commentary section of the 318 code.

Educators and Students

Access these recorded sessions providing educators and students with a new digital based platform that allows them to share digital notes and additional resources within one platform while teaching and learning with ACI CODE-318-19.