Certification Publications
ACI Certification Publications (Study Guides and Workbooks) are designed primarily to ensure that ACI Certification candidates have access to the technical materials used as resources to develop ACI Certification exams.
In most cases, ACI Certification Workbooks and Reference Packages also contain ACI Certification or Education committee-developed study aids that candidates may use as the basis for self-study, or that Instructors may reference when assembling structured learning programs. Each Certification publication contains a section that describes the requirements and processes of the ACI Certification program it supports.
In addition to ACI technical documents, copyrighted technical materials are used in ACI Certification Workbooks and Reference Packages from a variety of other concrete construction industry organizations. In some cases, ACI purchases separate publications from organizations and provides them in a package with other materials; in others, ACI obtains permission to reprint, pays royalties, and incorporates organizations’ materials directly into ACI Certification publications.