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Showing 131-135 of 211 search results
Unpredictable and unstable market factors are beyond the control of the concrete contractor and make it difficult to maintain the costs and schedules reasonably anticipated at bid time. Early dialogue regarding pricing levels, mill orders, availability of price lock mechanisms, and delivery date projections can maximize benefits to the owner and help minimize project risk.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
This two-part series discusses various activities taking place around the world to make the technology of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement for concrete structures accessible to the construction industry. Part 2 focuses on initiatives for acceptance and implementation of FRP reinforcement in three countries: Australia, Japan, and Russian Federation.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
The Audrey Irmas Pavilion in Los Angeles, CA, USA, is formed by two trapezoids joined by parallelograms, resulting in a unique sloping design. The exterior features hexagonal glass fiber-reinforced concrete panels in a jigsaw-like pattern, punctuated by variously angled windows and a seemingly mottled façade with colors and patterns that change with the shifting sunlight.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
This month’s Q&A contains two parts. The first focuses on the 0.75 seismic reduction factor in ACI 318 for designing anchors in tension; the second discusses testing requirements and frequency of testing for overhead mechanical and adhesive anchors.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
This two-part series discusses various activities taking place around the world to make the technology of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement for concrete structures accessible to the construction industry. Part 1 focuses on initiatives for acceptance and implementation of FRP reinforcement in four countries: Brazil, Iran, Italy, and New Zealand.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish