Translated Articles

Volunteers from ACI’s international chapters and international partner associations have translated CI articles into several languages. This activity helps advance the mission of ACI by further disseminating knowledge of concrete technology around the world.



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Showing 216-218 of 218 search results

We’re building a multistory reinforced concrete frame building and using 4 x 8 in. (100 x 200 mm) cylinders for acceptance testing at 28 days. The engineer of record says we need to average three cylinders for a test result instead of the two cylinders per test we were planning on. What is the standard number of cylinders that comprises a valid test? And if it is three, when did the requirement change from two to three cylinders?

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

Steel fiber-reinforced concrete contains short discrete fibers that must be uniformly distributed and randomly oriented throughout the concrete to improve its structural properties. Construction procedures for slabs-on-ground don’t differ greatly from those used in conventional concrete, but there are some key SFRC slab installation items that should be kept in mind to make the project go smoother. Mixture selection, mixing methods, placing, finishing, and jointing for steel fiber-reinforced concrete slabs are covered.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

When a contractor decides to place concrete using a pump, should the field tests be performed on samples taken at the point of placement (after the concrete has run through the pump) or on samples taken at the point of delivery? I’m concerned that pumping the concrete may change its properties, such as slump and air content, but the concrete producer believes he is only responsible for delivering concrete that meets the specifications at the point of delivery.

Available in the following language(s): Spanish

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