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Showing 81-85 of 211 search results
This month’s Q&A focuses on requirements for acceptance testing of hardened concrete. It discusses sampling, curing, and testing, as well as responsibilities for caring for concrete specimens and acceptance criteria for concrete strength, and emphasizes the importance of preplacement meeting to discuss responsibilities for curing and handling of test specimens.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
The article discusses testing of a system designed to achieve overall carbon negativity. The system comprises a concrete slab supporting a wall constructed using concrete masonry units (CMUs). The concrete slab was made of alkali-activated cement containing algae-derived carbon-storing, biogenic limestone. The CMUs contain biomineralizing microalgae and a proprietary hydrogel binder as cement replacement.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
Finishing lightweight concrete floors may seem needlessly complex. However, avoiding the dangers of overworking such floors can be simple when contractors use proper finishing techniques and the right tools, and maintain a proper finish window. The article discusses these topics as well as characteristics of lightweight aggregate and lightweight concrete mixtures.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
Corrosion is not exclusive to exterior structures and components. There are interior environments that can also be severely corrosive. The article provides a summary of some common interior conditions and structures that may be susceptible to corrosion, gives designers some concepts to consider when evaluating corrosivity of interior components, and offers general guidelines for mitigation measures.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
This month’s Q&A focuses on the issue of delaminations caused by troweling of concrete. It discusses a “hard troweled” expression used by the industry, as well as the influence of concrete’s air content and using various power finishing equipment on blister formation and concrete delaminations.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish