Special Issues

Special issues are an important component of the ACI Materials and Structural Journals. Special issues serve to highlight timely research topics and emerging trends within these disciplines.

Upcoming Special Issues

Learn more about upcoming special issues through the Call for Papers portal.

Recent Special Issues

Structural Journal—V. 121, No. 2, Mar. 2024, Advances in Construction Practicies for Additive Construction

Material Journal—V. 121, No. 2, Mar. 2024, Advances in Construction Practicies for Additive Construction

Materials Journal—V. 120, No. 1, Jan. 2023, Role of Concrete and Cement-Based Composites in Sustainability and Resiliency

Past Special Issues




How Special Issues Work

Each special issue for the ACI Journals is edited by a Guest Editor. The Guest Editor is a subject matter expert who identifies demand for an issue in a particular area and submits a proposal to the Editorial Board for consideration.

Once a special issue topic is approved by the Editorial Board, the Guest Editor will work with ACI Staff to develop a Call for Papers that is published on the ACI Website and in Concrete International. Once the Call for Papers closes, the Guest Editor will review the submitted abstracts and determine which authors will be invited to submit a manuscript for potential inclusion in the special issue.

All authors invited to submit a manuscript for a special issue will follow the same requirements as outlined in Writing for ACI Journals.

For additional information on publishing special issues, please review our Publishing Special Issues Guide.

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