Career Development

Innovation in Concrete Construction Series

These webinars feature innovative industry leaders who will provide insight on radically improving concrete design and construction, navigating the challenges, and key behaviors that will shape our industry’s future.

ACI Student Member – Apply 1 ACI University Token

Revolutionary Leadership Series

These webinars feature ACI Past President, Ken Hover who will provide insight on leadership strategies to help new student officers effectively manage and motivate members of their student chapter. Hover brings years of wisdom and experience as the faculty advisor to the ASCE student chapter and Concrete Canoe and Steel Bridge competition teams at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, USA.

Earn a Certificate in Student Chapter Leadership upon completion of all three courses. Submit your answer sheets to Kanette Worlds.

What I Wish I Knew Series

These professional development sessions feature speakers from academia and industry who were recorded during The Concrete Convention & Exposition. The content is intended for students and younger members who are new to the field of concrete construction.

These sessions are sponsored by the ACI Student and Young Professional Activities Committee (SYPAC).

ACI Career Center

ACI's Career Center is specifically targeted to the concrete industry and brings together great job opportunities and great candidates. .