FRC Bowling Ball Competition


Introduction to the Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Bowling Ball Competition

This international competition provides lots of excitement and typically has hundreds of participants and observers!

If you would like to participate in this competition, read the information below and the documents provided in the links in the upper right corner of this web page to determine your eligibility.

What is the objective of the competition?

The objective of this competition is to demonstrate the behavior of fiber reinforcement within concrete, to gain experience in forming and fabricating a fiber-reinforced concrete element, and to encourage creativity in engineering design predictions and analysis testing.

Who can participate?

Students currently enrolled in an undergraduate college or university program are eligible to participate. Students from a qualifying school form a Team.

ACI does not require but does encourage ACI chapters, schools, or locations to hold their own competitions to select teams for representation at this international competition.

At the discretion of the competition judges, the competition is limited to a minimum of 30 teams and a maximum of 60 teams.

What is involved with this competition?

The process to participate in the competition typically starts 5 to 6 months before the actual in-person competition.

Teams must design and construct bowling balls from a fiber-reinforced concrete mixture according to the RULES.

Teams must register for the competition and submit the required paperwork according to the competition SCHEDULE and RULES.

Team members attend the competition and compete with their bowling balls; all members are welcome, a minimum of three (3) members are preferred, but at least one (1) must attend.

Team members who are present at the competition must also register to attend the ACI Concrete Convention.

Teams must bring two (2) fiber-reinforced bowling balls, and other required items, to the competition according to the RULES.

When and where is the competition?

This competition is typically held every 2 years during the ACI Spring Concrete Convention.

Refer to the Convention Schedule on the ACI website for convention locations.

Each Team is assigned a specific Check-In Time for the competition.

This Check-In Time will be communicated to the Team’s contact by the date in the Schedule.

What are the competition prizes?

There are two categories of prizes for this competition: Bowling Ball Design Prediction and Bowling Ball Analysis Test.

Prize money is awarded for First, Second, and Third place within both categories.

Teams awarded a prize will also receive a Certificate of Recognition.

Further recognition may also be on ACI's website and Concrete International magazine if space allows.

This year’s competition will also include an Aesthetics Evaluation which will have its own prizes.

Refer to the Aesthetics Introduction and Aesthetics Rules documents found at the AESTHETICS INTRODUCTION and AESTHETICS RULES links on this web page for information.

How is the competition judged and scored?

Teams are judged through examination of their submittal documents and testing of their bowling balls in each of the following areas: Specifications, Mass, Diameter, Bowling, and Toughness.

Points are awarded in each area based on performance and according to the RULES.

In general, a Team can win the competition by:

    • Being the best team at designing their bowling balls to meet the target values for each test area as stated in the Rules, and
    • Most accurately predicting how their bowling balls will perform during the competition.

Who are the competition judges?

The Presiding Judges for the competition will be members of ACI, and primarily members of:

    • Committee S801 - Student Activities
    • Subcommittee 544-B - Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Education
    • Subcommittee 239-E - Ultra-High Performance Concrete Educational Outreach

What happens if a Team does not follow the Rules?

The Presiding Judges will determine if the Rules have been followed.

The Presiding Judges reserve the right to perform detailed examination of the bowling ball entries and submittal documents for compliance with the Rules at any time before, during, or after the competition.

If examination shows that a team did not follow the Rules, the team may be removed from the competition and not eligible to receive competition prizes.

ACI Committee S801 may further document recommendations to sanction the team, their advisor, and/or school/university from participation in future competitions.

What does a Team do if they have questions about the competition?

If a Team has questions before the competition, they should:

    • Read ALL competition documents in the links provided on this web page to help determine an answer.
    • Consult with their faculty advisor to help determine an answer.
    • If the Team still has questions, follow the directions in the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) document found at the FAQs link on this web page to submit questions.