Concrete Industry Calendar

ACI Convention - New Orleans
ACI Convention - Philadelphia

ACI 123: Open Topic Sessions

November 3, 2024 to November 6, 2024

Philadelphia Marriott Downtown
Philadelphia , PA   United States
Sponsor(s): ACI Committee 123, Research & Current Developments

Session Name: ACI 123: Open Topic Sessions

Presentations Solicited: Two 2-hour oral presentation sessions titled “Open Topic Session” at the ACI Concrete Convention - Fall 2024; sponsored by ACI Committee 123, Research and Current Developments.

The purpose of this session is to offer author(s)/speaker(s) an open forum for the presentation of recent technical information that does not fit into other sessions scheduled for this convention. Any aspect of structural analysis or design, concrete materials science, or construction, manufacturing, use, and maintenance and health monitoring of concrete structures and products can be presented. Research with preliminary results should be submitted to the Research in Progress (RiP) session. Typical presentation time is 20 minutes for oral presentations.

Deadline for abstracts: July 15, 2024

Requirements: Submit your details and abstract through the Google form using the submission link below.

Submission requirements: Presenter(s) details (name, title, affiliation, and contact information); Presentation title preference for oral or poster presentation abstract (no more than 250 words); Must use the provided template and provide the information requested above along with 1 figure.

Important Notes for Submission:
1. This Google form/link will be available until the end of day on July 15, 2024 (midnight EST). Duplicate submissions to multiple ACI 123 sessions will not be considered for either session. Please select the appropriate session for your work.
2. Submissions of previously published work or submissions of the same work for presentation at other meetings, symposiums, or sessions will result in abstract rejection.
3. Although presenter preference for oral or poster presentation (if indicated) will be considered, selections will be made at the committee's discretion.
4. Student poster presentations are eligible for consideration in a judged competition with a cash prize sponsored by Pivot Engineers.

Dr. Pravin Saraswatula, Texas A&M Transportation Institute,, (404) 940-8221
Dr. Sriramya Duddukuri Nair, Cornell University,
For additional on-line info, click on the link below:
submission link

For more information, contact:
Pravin Saraswatula
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
TX    United States
Phone: (404) 940-8221


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