Committee Home

564 - 3-D Printing with Cementitious Materials

Committee Mission: Develop and report information on three-dimensional (3-D) printing, or additive manufacturing with inorganic cementitious materials.

Goals: 1. Develop publications relating to additive manufacturing (AM) with cement-based materials. One focusing on “big picture” impact and challenges and the other focusing on construction applications. 2. Collaborate with ACI committees to disseminate AM information and determine ways AM may be integrated into the concrete community. 3. Collaborate with technical organizations outside of ACI (e.g., RILEM, ASTM, PCI, ISO, ASCE/SEI/EMI) to facilitate and coordinate information sharing. Foster discussion on research needs and challenges preventing AM from wide adoption in the concrete construction community. 4. Develop guidelines to evaluate materials and technology for AM.

Chair: Scott Jones

TAC Contact: Corina-Maria Aldea

Upcoming Open Meetings:
ACI Fall Convention 2024 - 11/4/2024 1:00 PM-3:00 PM Franklin 10,

Upcoming Convention Sessions:
Scaling Up 3D Concrete Printing – Testing, Modeling, and Applications, Part 1 of 2
ACI Fall Convention 2024 - Philadelphia, PA

Mechanical Performance of 3D-Printed and Architected Cement-based Materials, Part 1 of 2
ACI Fall Convention 2024 - Philadelphia, PA

Scaling Up 3D Concrete Printing – Testing, Modeling, and Applications, Part 2 of 2
ACI Fall Convention 2024 - Philadelphia, PA

Mechanical Performance of 3D-Printed and Architected Cement-based Materials, Part 2 of 2
ACI Fall Convention 2024 - Philadelphia, PA

Artificial Intelligence and Material Development, Part 1 of 2
ACI Spring Convention 2025 - Toronto, ON

Artificial Intelligence and Material Development, Part 2 of 2
ACI Spring Convention 2025 - Toronto, ON

Early Age Properties of 3D Printed Concrete, Part 1 of 2
ACI Spring Convention 2025 - Toronto, ON

Early Age Properties of 3D Printed Concrete, Part 2 of 2
ACI Spring Convention 2025 - Toronto, ON

Work Folders (ACI)

Meeting Agenda & Approved Minutes
Meeting--March 25, 2024
Meeting--October 30, 2023
Meeting--April 03, 2023
Meeting--March 28, 2022
Meeting--October 18, 2021
Meeting--March 29, 2021
Meeting--October 26, 2020
Meeting--October 21, 2019
Meeting--March 25, 2019
Meeting--October 15, 2018