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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Analytical Model for Predicting Shear Strengths of Exterior Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints for Seismic Resistance

Author(s): Shyh-Jiann Hwang and Hung-Jen Lee

Publication: Structural Journal

Volume: 96

Issue: 5

Appears on pages(s): 846-858

Keywords: beams; columns; joints (junctions); reinforced concretes; shear; strength

DOI: 10.14359/739

Date: 9/1/1999

A proposal for determining the shear strengths of exterior beam-column joints for seismic resistance is made in this paper. The proposed method, termed as the softened strut-and-tie model, is based on the strut-and-tie concept and derived to satisfy equilibrium, compatibility, and the constitutive laws of cracked reinforced concrete. The accuracy of the proposed procedure was checked by comparing calculated shear strengths with experimental data reported in previous literature, and a satisfactory correlation was found. The proposed physical model can provide valuable insights into the strength behavior of the exterior beam-column joints under seismic loading.