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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Computerized Concrete Quality Conttrol

Author(s): James E. Oliverson

Publication: Concrete International

Volume: 4

Issue: 11

Appears on pages(s): 23-31

Keywords: computer programs; concrete construction; quality control.


Date: 11/1/1982

To update a quality control program for concrete and to provide a means for quality control to keep pace with concrete production, a computer system, PCQCS (Project Concrete Quality Control System), was developed to perform gradation computations and proportion and adjust mixes for scale weights. PCQCS also does yield computations, gradation summarizations, and compressive strength data summaries and permits editing of all mix proportioning data. With the computer system, a single teletype at a con- struction project can compute and store data for monthly summaries, give immediate test results ofgradation and yields, and make necessary adjust-ments for gradation and moisture. The is versatile; it is designed to be used for kind of concrete construction and can be th non-technical personnel without formal computer programming training.