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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Pumping Architectural Concrete Walls From the Bottom Up

Author(s): J. Bullock

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 107


Appears on pages(s): 121-136

Keywords: architectural concrete; concrete construction; economics; forming techniques; formwork (construction); pumped concrete; walls; Construction

DOI: 10.14359/3377

Date: 6/1/1988

In keeping with the theme of "Forming Economical Concrete Buildings," the end result of the project must be considered. Pumping of concrete walls from the bottom is not the most inexpensive method of wall construction unless the architectural possibilities of form and finish are considered. This concept, by eliminating or minimizing the need of concrete vibration during placement, allows more freedom of form by the designer than other conventional methods and almost guarantees an aesthetically pleasing finish. However, the economy of this technique is predicated upon spreading the initial cost of form fabrication over a broad base through the reuse of formwork. If a project has difficult concrete walls and/or lends itself to form reuse, the concept of pumping from the bottom becomes as economical as other more conventional methods.