• The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.

International Concrete Abstracts Portal

Showing 1-5 of 622 Abstracts search results




July 1, 2024


Philip Loh, Sri Sritharan, Kam Ng, Emad Booya, and Don Gardonio


Symposium Papers




Through a Change Proposal by Facca Incorporated, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) approved the replacement of the as-tendered steel H-piles by newly designed prestressed/precast Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) piles for supporting the west abutment of the Lily River Detour Bridge. The 300 mm (~12”) deep UHPC piles were designed and installed at the west abutment based on the previous successful development and testing of a tapered H-shaped pile at Iowa State University. The east abutment, as tendered, was designed to be supported by six steel H-shaped battered piles driven to bedrock. For the west abutment, six UHPC piles were produced and installed using the same batter. Since the site contained occasional boulders and the design intent to drive the piles to bedrock, the UHPC piles were fitted with steel shoes for the first time. All piles were successfully installed to reach the targeted load bearing capacities. After the replacement bridge was constructed, the detour bridge was removed and the UHPC piles were extracted to examine the conditions of the piles. This presentation will provide details of the innovative design of the piles, fabrication and driving of the piles, and lessons learned from analyzing the driving data and removal of the piles. Fellowship and Scholarship recipients. With the help of generous donors from the concrete community, the ACI Foundation awards high-potential undergraduate and graduate students in engineering, construction management, and other appropriate curricula.






July 1, 2024


Kuo-Wei Wen, Manuel Bermudez, and Chung-Chan Hung


Symposium Papers




Ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) features tensile strain-hardening behavior and a high compressive strength. Existing studies on the shear behavior of UHPC structural members have been focused on prestressed UHPC girders. More experimental data of the shear behavior of non-prestressed UHPC beams are necessary to quantify the safety margin of shear designs for structures. Moreover, while the UHPC members in most studies did not contain coarse aggregate to strengthen their microstructure, the inclusion of coarse aggregate has been shown to substantially reduce the autogenous shrinkage and enhance the elastic modulus for UHPC materials, which is beneficial for structural applications of UHPC. This study experimentally investigated the shear failure behavior of eighteen non-prestressed rectangular UHPC beams. The experimental variables included the volume fraction of fibers, shear span-to-depth ratio of the beams, and coarse aggregate. The detailed shear failure responses of the UHPC beams were discussed in terms of the damage pattern, shear modulus, shear strength, shear strain, and strain energy. The test results showed that the inclusion of coarse aggregate increased the beam shear strength, and its enhancement became more significant with a higher volume fraction of fibers and a lower shear span-to-depth ratio of the beam. In addition to the experimental investigation, a shear strength model for non-prestressed rectangular UHPC beams that accounts for the interactive effect of the key design parameters was developed. An experimental database of the shear strength of the UHPC beams in existing studies was established to assess the performance of the proposed model. It was shown that the proposed model reasonably predicted the shear strength of the UHPC beams in the database with a higher accuracy and lower scatter compared to the results of existing models.






March 1, 2024


Adi Obeidah and Hani Nassif


Symposium Papers




Developments in the prestressed concrete industry evolved to incorporate innovative design materials and strategies driven towards a more sustainable and durable infrastructure. With steel corrosion being the biggest durability issue for concrete bridges, FRP tendons have been gaining acceptance in modern prestressed technologies, as bonded or unbonded reinforcement, or as part of a “hybrid” system that combines unbonded CFRP tendons and bonded steel strands. Assessments of the efficacy of hybrid-steel beams, combining bonded and unbonded steel tendons. in the construction of segmental bridges and in retrofitting damaged members has been established by several researchers. However, limited research has been conducted on comparable hybrid prestressed beams combining CFRP and steel tendons (hybrid steel-cfrp beams). This paper provides an insight on the flexural behaviour of eighteen prestressed beams tested under third-point loading until failure with the emphasis on the tendon materials (i.e., CFRP and steel) and bonding condition (i.e., bonded, unbonded). In addition, a comprehensive finite element analysis of the beams’ overall behaviour following the trussed-beam methodology is conducted and compared with the experimental results. Results show that hybrid beams, utilizing CFRP as the unbonded element maintained comparable performance when compared to hybrid steel beams. The results presented in this paper aim to expand the use of hybrid tendons and facilitate their incorporation into standard design provisions and guidelines.






March 1, 2024


Wassim Nasreddine, Peter H. Bischoff, and Hani Nassif


Symposium Papers




The use of FRP tendons has become an attractive alternative to steel tendons in prestressed concrete structures to avoid strength and serviceability problems related to corrosion of steel. There is however a lack of knowledge in serviceability behavior related to deflection after cracking for beams prestressed with FRP tendons. Conventional approaches used to compute deflection of cracked members prestressed with steel is problematic at best, and the situation is exacerbated further with the use of FRP tendons having a lower modulus of elasticity than steel. Deflection of FRP reinforced (nonprestressed) concrete flexural members computed with Branson’s effective moment of inertia 𝐼􀀁 requires a correction factor (called a softening factor) that reduces the member stiffness sufficiently to provide reasonable estimates of post-cracking deflection. For FRP prestressed concrete however, this approach does not always work as expected and deflection can be either underestimated or overestimated significantly.

This study investigates the accuracy of different models proposed for estimating deflection of cracked FRP prestressed members using a database of 38 beams collected from the literature. All beams are fully prestressed. Results indicate that using Branson’s effective moment of inertia 𝐼􀀁 with a generic softening factor can produce reasonable estimates of deflection provided the 𝐼􀀁 response is shifted up to the decompression moment or adjusted with an effective prestress moment defined by an effective eccentricity of the prestress force. The former approach overpredicts deflection by 20% on average while the latter overpredicts deflection by not more than 5% based on the beams available for comparison. Assuming a bilinear moment deflection response overpredicts deflection by 12%, while an approach proposed by Bischoff (which also shifts the 𝐼􀀁 response upwards) overpredicts deflection by 23%. These last two approaches work reasonably well without the need for a correction factor.






March 1, 2024


Ramin Rameshni, PhD, P.Eng., Reza Sadjadi, PhD, P.Eng, Melanie Knowles, P.Eng., M.Eng.


Symposium Papers




Deterioration of concrete bridges has resulted in reduction of their service lives and increase in required maintenance which is associated with cost and inconvenience to the public. A prevalent cause of concrete bridge deterioration is corrosion which initiates by chloride ions penetration past the protecting layers and by corroding the steel reinforcement. Because corrosion in prestressed concrete members has more serious consequences than in non-prestressed reinforced concrete, it is important that bridge designers and inspectors be aware of the potential problems and environments that may cause the issue and address them as soon as they are detected. This paper discusses a case study of a highway bridge (Hyndman Bridge, Ontario) including its deterioration, causes, mitigation measures, structural evaluation and the selected repair method. The rehabilitation design is based on guidelines of the latest editions of the CHDBC and ACI 440.2R. CFRP strengthening techniques have been proposed to address the flexure and shear deficient capacity of deteriorated girders. It is concluded that by using a suitable repair methodology employing CFRP, it is possible to upgrade the bridge to comply with the latest requirements of the code and increase the service life of the structure which otherwise would have needed imminent replacement.




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