Committee Home

318-0B - Anchorage and Reinforcement

Chair: Neal Anderson

Upcoming Open Meetings:
ACI Fall Convention 2024 - 11/4/2024 2:30 PM-4:30 PM 411-412,
ACI Fall Convention 2024 - 11/5/2024 8:00 AM-12:30 PM Grand BR Salon K,

Upcoming Convention Sessions:
Advancements in Anchoring to Concrete Construction, Part 1 of 4
ACI Fall Convention 2024 - Philadelphia, PA

Advancements in Anchoring to Concrete Construction, Part 2 of 4
ACI Fall Convention 2024 - Philadelphia, PA

Advancements in Anchoring to Concrete Construction, Part 3 of 4
ACI Fall Convention 2024 - Philadelphia, PA

Work Folders (ACI)

Meeting Agenda & Approved Minutes
Meeting--October 30, 2023
Meeting--April 03, 2023
Meeting--March 28, 2022
Meeting--October 18, 2021
Meeting--March 26, 2019
Meeting--April 18, 2016
Meeting--November 10, 2015
Meeting--April 14, 2015
Meeting--March 18, 2009
Meeting--November 05, 2008
Meeting--February 13, 2005
Meeting--April 23, 2002