Technical Questions

ACI Committees, Membership, and Staff have answered common questions on a variety of concrete related topics.

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select a specific topic from these lists (or topics)

318 Building Code

Admixture for Concrete


Alkali Aggregate Reaction

Architectural Concrete

Cementitious Material in Concrete


Codes for Concrete

Cold Weather

Concrete Corrosion

Concrete Fundamentals

Consolidation of Concrete

Cracking in Concrete

Curing of Concrete

Decorative Concrete

Design of Concrete

Detailing in Concrete

Durability of Concrete

Environmental Concrete

Epoxy in Concrete

Fiber Reinforced Concrete

Fly Ash


Hot Weather Concrete

Joints, Movement in Concrete

Joints, Structural

Lightweight Concrete

Mass Concrete

Materials in Concrete

Mixture Proportioning of Concrete

Nondestructive Testing of Concrete


Permeability of Concrete

Placing Concrete

Polymer Concrete


Quality Assurance of Concrete

Reinforcement in Concrete

Repair of Concrete


Shrinkage of Concrete

Shrinkage-Compensating Concrete

Silica Fume

Slab, Concrete

Slag in Concrete

Specifications for Concrete

Tank, Concrete

Testing of Concrete


Tolerance, Concrete


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